I was safety representative for my department. They just did not listen to me. My communication skills are not that good so I got laughed at in the end. Then I quit.
What kind of spinal bifida were you born with?
My daughter has scoliosis too. When I was carrying her, her AFP levels were high, so they thought she might have spinal bifida. They did amniocentesis and a genetic ultrasound and saw that she didn't though. I don't know how much credibility you should give the genetic ultrasound, though. She had a hemivertibra and a fused rib in addition to a large hole in her heart and the ulttrasound did not see any of it.
That is sad about ultrasounds. But they are getting better.
I am one of twins and my mum did not even know there were two of us untill half an hour before I was born. There were no ultrasounds then. We were x-rayed. Mum still has the x-ray now and I am only just visible on it.
I have spina bifida occulta. It is just below my neck. It usually presents no problems. I had no trouble as a kid until I was about 15. Then when it became the "done thing" to cross one's legs at the knee, I found I couldn't do it. Within ten seconds both my feet get numb. I also remember it was hard to sit cross legged on the ground for more than a few minutes. Also my arms and hands go numb if they are raised above my head.
I was told that the way my spine is shaped, the spinal cord gets a bit stuck on it. Sounds blech. There is a tiny bit of information about the occulta version here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spina_bifida_occultaI am not sure what a hemivertibra is.