
Author Topic: Everyone is going to die!!!!  (Read 10628 times)

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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #555 on: August 03, 2020, 10:02:45 AM »
The thing is, Alex Jones is the only person in the world who has ever snuck into Bohemian grove and got video of the satanic Cremation of Care ceremony that the elites engage in. Can you name any "real journalist" who has done that? No of course not.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #556 on: August 03, 2020, 10:04:24 AM »
And it's easy for you to say it's not real if you won't watch the video. But millions of people have, and more are going to watch it every day.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #557 on: August 03, 2020, 10:20:29 AM »
Most people are idiots, so let them - they'll believe any old shite told to them anyway. My mother believes in a lot of this conspiracy nonsense.  :dunno:

I just don't find people making dubious claims on youtube videos "evidence". You you make a claim, you need to back it up, and need to ensure your sources are not complete shit too.

For example, I could say weed cures cancer and I back that claim up with a website that talks about it, but ultimately it would still be dubious as said website likely has not done any scientific testing or collated peer reviewed evidence to back up their claims, and expect people to believe them at face value because they want to appear like they're an "authority" on the matter. This even goes as far as claiming they're a Dr. (likely from a mail order degree mill, inflating an unrelated degree or just made it up on the spot), using scientific terminology, and if they do "tests", are likely easily falsifiable or fabricated to make whatever result agree with their claim. At no point they want things to be peer reviewed, scrutinised or questioned - they want people to blindly believe it purely on authority.

I see this all the time from people who are anti-vax, new age etc - always the same lack of critical thought or any real intelligence. As the saying goes, having an open mind is fine... but not too open that your brain falls out!

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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #558 on: August 03, 2020, 12:08:23 PM »
My anti vaccination stance is based on science though, because the science puts me at a very low risk for covid, I'm not willing to accept any covid related medical interventions, because all interventions have potential side effects. While the side effect of covid for me is... Nothing. You can have covid and have no symptoms at all.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #559 on: August 03, 2020, 12:11:00 PM »
To be fair, I will take the vaccine if I don't have antibodies, but I almost certainly do. Normal human immunity CAN work, you know.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #560 on: August 03, 2020, 12:13:31 PM »
Sounds like you would like to take the vaccine regardless of whether or not you have antibodies, and that's not science.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #561 on: August 03, 2020, 12:16:14 PM »
That would be like smashing up your car and buying insurance afterwards.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #562 on: August 03, 2020, 02:20:27 PM »
ok jeez, here is a video, I havent watched it yet, but I have just started, and I will finish it

so basically it is going to be full of facts, so I will post them as posts when he says them:
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #564 on: August 03, 2020, 02:30:16 PM »
The Bingo halls of the Welsh valleys are open.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #565 on: August 03, 2020, 02:35:16 PM »
dr margaret harris WHO spokeswoman was on sky news today on skype from switzerland, she thinks the public are too excited that the virus is basically over and she says we have to find a new normal.

the presenter then, a hapless character called neil patterson, says: what a strange virus this is still being so prevalent in the summer, this was her response:

'this one has thrown away the respiratory virus playbook'

who talks like that? no serious academic I would imagine.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #566 on: August 03, 2020, 02:35:47 PM »
during the interview, her dog gets bored of her bullshit and starts barking.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #567 on: August 03, 2020, 02:38:52 PM »
now there is an interview with a woman about her 'dead grandad' but she can 't contain her verbal joy and excitement lol. i wont type it cos im laughing too much
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #568 on: August 03, 2020, 02:46:24 PM »
John Hume died today at a nursing home in Derry, he was unwell for some time, played a massive part in the peace process.
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Re: Everyone is going to die!!!!
« Reply #569 on: August 03, 2020, 02:53:47 PM »
day labourers all over India (construction, hospitality, domestic labor) are told that they have no job and income but they must stay put, 100,000s people stranded with no way of getting back home. They were feeding their families on a day to day basis.

people were forced to walk until they died of heat exhaustion.

massive increases in child abuses, suicides, domestic abuse due to the lockdown. 
« Last Edit: August 03, 2020, 02:56:01 PM by registrant44 »
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