This vote ten years ago?,7512.45/viewresults.html Memory is an interesting thing. Still can't help but wonder what asking nicely would have resulted in the here and now.
This was during the democracy, IIRC. We didn't have to beg for things from the staff, in theory.
EDIT: Apparently not. But, it seemed a reasonable thing to ask the membership about, rather
than just seek fiat anyhow. No matter how you put it, begging favors - whether just for myself
or for everyone - is simply not the way the world should work.
The 'big man' culture of favors is, to me, rather disgusting, even if it is how most of human society has always
worked. 'Tis the heart of corruption.
It's similar to how disabled people don't want everyone to open doors for them. They want to be able
to do things for themselves.