If you are known for using a sensible number of words in sentences that people are easily able to determine the meaning of, and you start using enormous numbers of words in incomprehensible combinations, then people may be inclined to blame it on the alcohol.
If you happen to start from the latter position and revert to the former, then I'm not sure whether people would blame the alcohol. If you happen to start from the latter position and continue with the latter position after a couple of dozen alcoholic beverages, I can't see why there would be a problem.
The drinking culture in the typical modern workplace has changed enormously over the past 2 or 3 decades. Where I work we get emails before any event where alcohol may be consumed telling us that if we feel affected by alcohol then we should approach a designated person who will look after us. A friend of mine ended up in hospital after a work Xmas function about 25 years ago where he drank so much that he ended up with a blood alcohol content above 0.4%, and he was told that if his heart had stopped beating they wouldn't have been legally required to try to revive him (which, TBH, they likely said only to scare him).