Girlfriend fell out the window of a car cruising and caved the back of her head in, was in a coma for weeks. I think they may have induced at the later stages just to keep her still, no one knew if she would make it during the first week.
She told me how she heard people talking to her on occasion and not much more, but she remembered one "dream" in particular that was "so real it wasn't like a dream" where her cousin came up to the house on his quad...she was so happy to see him, she said she ran off the porch and hugged him tight, then went to climb on the back of the quad and go for a ride like always. He stopped her though, and said very seriously "you can't come this time", she protested, and he said firmly "NO!, you have to stay here, next time"...and then rode off.
The kid had been dead for a couple years prior, some old coot didn't like him riding through the empty, un-owned, field in back of his house and shot him on the quad. He was 15.