Donald Trump is the president of all Americans and not just his base. Shouldn't he be doing things for everyone even if they didn't vote for him?
Besides all that it's seriously impossible to not get in trouble somewhere along the line when you have that many people in your orbit. Something will turn up, maybe Jared Kushner laundered money? Perhaps Mike Pence knew about Mike Flynn being a weasel getting paid by another government while trying to work for ours?
One thing is for sure. Donald Trump is a liar, he has no tapes of his conversation with Comey
Mueller is bound to turn up something. Only a matter of time
Jesse, what did he ACTUALLY say about the tapes? Did he say something like "Comey better hope there are no tapes recording his conversation with me" OR something like "I actually have tapes of Comey"
IN the first instance he is not a liar if the tapes exist or if they do not exist because he has not verified their existence, in the second, he is stating unequivocally that he has tapes and would be a liar in saying this if they did not exist.
Look at his comment. He did not lie either way. HOWEVER, that is not to say that it is not a bit juvenile and silly and more than a little weaselly.
what about 3 million people voting illegally in the election that he keeps talking about? That never happend yet he keeps saying it, the problem is of course I can go on about all of Donald Trumps lies and most of them aren't some juvenile "prank" but down right lies
Or Obama Wiretapping Trump tower. Another lie or Obamas birth certificate being fake or Muslims cheering on the jersey shore when the towers fell
So there is a few points there and probably all deserve a mention.
what about:
3 million people voting illegally in the election that he keeps talking about?
This was sensationalist bullshit. It was based on absolute truth. There were thousands and maybe tens of thousands of people voting illegally and this is provably true BUT saying 3 million was simply him saying "Where can I find that extra 3 million needed to show I did not lose the popular vote". Is it outside the realms of possibility that 3 million people voted illegally? No, but it is very, very improbable and before spouting something so fantastic he should have come to the party with some strong evidence to back a strong claim.
Obama Wiretapping Trump tower
Absolutely true. BTW as media tends to do, the fact that he said "wire tapping" and not wire tapping is something that they purposely change because then they get to say "There were no wires being taped so..."
Trump WAS being surveilled and spied on by the Obama campaign and LIKELY at direction of Obama personally or his surrogate Lynch. This is objective truth and is out there. It actually makes the Russia/Collusion clownshow more farcical. He was investigated before he was even in office and surveilled and they have nothing but some dossier that was proven wrong and Hollywood Access tapes.
He did put wiretapped in quotation marks and I think it is like someone of my generation saying something like "copy it onto a floppy disk or whatever, and send it my way"
So he was absolutely true and Obama as outgoing President, spying on incoming President is a new low and a new precedent and reflects badly on his government.
Obamas birth certificate being fake
This was pretty bloody stupid. He took his lead from Hillary and ran with it, over the hills and far away. This was based on nothing and was idiotic of him.
Muslims cheering on the jersey shore when the towers fell what would one be the argument here? That there were many instances of but not thousands like he claimed? That the numbers and instances of this happening are hard to evidence? These would be kind of reasonable but a bit negligible. So the alternative is to say "He lied and made it all up!", is pretty dishonest and stupid. Yet the media perpetuates this sensationism to further propaganda
That never happend yet he keeps saying it, the problem is of course I can go on about all of Donald Trumps lies and most of them aren't some juvenile "prank" but down right lies
You COULD go on and on, but likely what you will find when you get to the bottom of it is that he is an exaggerator. The Liberal Media and Democrats are deliberately and ideologically driven and are purposely dishonest themselves. Propaganda.
Can he tell outright lies? Sure. Does he? Sure. But let's not pretend his talking shit up or making generalisations is the same as lying? I would much prefer the kind of lies about the quantity or quality of something than, I don't know, whether or not you had a server, whether you gave over all the emails, whether you deleted emails, were shot at over Bosnia and so on.
It would be great if he did not lie at all or bullshit but then he would never have made President otherwise. You get what you have and you have him for 4 years before you get the opportunity to vote him out.