Seen that movie WAY too many times.
They generally remind me more of the one that communicates in yokel-fashion grunts, skinhead, tall, think addams family 'lurch' and with, well the IQ of your above average copper.
It really is unbefuckinglievable how STUPID they are. Such as one occasion having the lab raided. Morons, not specialists of any kind, just regular porcine imbeciles, started opening containers without thought to what might be inside them. Its only down to sheer luck that they opened ones that didn't contain things like say, PCl3, SOCl2, white phosphorus, lithium aluminium hydride, or other hydride reducing agents, that would simply burst into flames the moment they came into contact with air. And the stupid cunts removed some alkali metals from under the petroleum spirit they are kept under to prevent ignition. And opened bottles of THF and ether, leaving a load of the metal on the fucking desk. If they knew what they were doing, then that was nothing short of a deliberate attempt to burn down the house.
Or coming to raid and 'take samples'. which amounted to nothing other than taking a few ml of this, that and the other liquid, putting it in plastic-topped screw cap giass bottles, amd then leaving them there. I still have them in fact. They took their samples, then left them in the lab, and fucked off without them. Which to me, suggests that they were there only to do damage. The only reason that failed, was that the alkali metals were in the form of thin foils so oxidized too quickly to catch fire and set off the ether/THF. The house was emptied of the rest of the family for a couple of days which was lucky, because it took me DAYS to vent the entire house and remove the intense smell of ether, after the best part of a liter each of EtOEt, THF and some diisopropyl ether evaporated from bottles left without caps on into the house. Fucking stank. I like the smell of the stuff, but bloody hell that was a bit much, and I'm fucking furious about having to replace it. Which, as it happens, I am just waiting for a reply from my supplier du jour, for more, plus a few other things. Replacements for things stolen and other things needful. I've half a mind to get a few things that will burst into flame the moment they are opened outside of a vacuum chamber or carefully dried glovebox purged with inert gas. So anyone thinking to damage and steal is going to suffer. And it will be the fault of whoever did it, by their own trotters. Someone burns their face off due to their own negligent stupidity, well they only have themselves to blame.