This is not ghost mouse, and I am not hearing or seeing things. I caught two of them trying to get into my backpack at the same time. This in spite of a dousing with a reeky men's cologne. Peppermint does not deter them - they ate the peppermint stick I left out and they chewed the peppermint tea bag.
I caught one on video. Tried to get them both but they stayed behind things after that.
The little bastards are following me - they made noise in my room all night and now I am down in my office and they are here making noise. Two fat, sleek mice. At least one will be dead within the week because I have one snap trap left and a nice hunk of snack bar as bait. The bucket trap is still untouched.
For the rest I am buying ramp traps and putting glue boards inside. I think we caught one or two with glue boards so I might add some of those in the areas too small for a trap.
If the squeaking means kids, then this is mom and dad and the kids are going to be orphans very soon.
And just FYI we could call the landlord but that would precipitate a visit from the handyman who probably is the only thing worse than the mice. He smells, he goes into off limits areas and we are pretty sure that once when we were away he made himself at home here - we found food missing. We had "visits" during the week as well; those stopped when we installed a camera pointing at the door.