So at this stage we get a taste of Zegh lying and trying to dictate and control the narrative. Lying, dishonesty, being disingenuous, stating things as absolutely fact only to have them disproven, even trying to tell me what I know or don't. But there is still room for switch and bait, projection and leaving out inconvenient truths to sell a better narrative.
If it sounds really bad when said out is because it really is quite bad.
On the shoulders of such dishonesty and disingenuous narrative spin-doctoring...we have his premise to the thread that started this all off.
The more anti-islamic you identify yourself, coincidentally, the more conservative you are as well, which indicentally makes you anti-feminist, which in the end renders you someone pretty damn similar to muslims. So why does this go back to being against muslim infestation of the west?
Why do anti-feminist neo-conservatives not welcome islam, and the "culture change" they fear so strongly, if this culture-change is exactly what they want to begin with? Islamic culture, as "advertised" by racists, consist of shutting women up, pulling them out of work, and raising boys to be strong, bad men. This is EXACTLY what people like Breivik wants for Norway - hell, he even explains that this would give us a better long term edge against the muslims - precisely because we emulate them.
So... what's up :I
The more X = more Y = more Z therefore you are similar to A
The whole argument rests NOT on semantics but whether in fact, more x = more y = more z. Of course Z may or may not be similar to A.
What if this formula is simply not true and pretending it is, is not representing the facts? Well Zegh doesn't like all.He will accuse you of semantics, being manipulative, not reading it right, whatever.
because they EXIST and you can read about them - in the links^
That's right. Anti-Islamic sentiment exists in lots of places, among lots of different groups and different peoples. We can call them conservatives or atheists or greeks or women or americans or whatever because it's prolific. So, yeah, I think we're done.
Yes bigotry exists in all diversities.
See? You DO get it.
And that confirms it - you were only battling with your compulsion to never "surrender"
what a pathetic piece of shit
more Anti-Islamic = more Conservative = more anti-Feminist = similar to Muslims. And this is addressed by bigotry exists in all diversities?
Glen Beck is anti-Islamic and therefore very conservative and therefore (I dunno, maybe) anti-feminist, therefore he is like my Muslim mate Raoul...right?
Raoul is not like him at all, nor is Rain, nor Jay, nor Nidhi. All proud and practicing Muslims.
So how is bigotry in all diversities addressing this little dilemma? It isn't. There is nothing right with the formula. In order for it to work we would have to strip it down and change it.
Muslim FUNDAMENTALS are like NOT Conservatives BUT Christian FUNDAMENTALS in many ways. IF we accept this we can then say "Okay we know that many dyed in the wool Conservatives are very religious too and Christian and with the traditional Bronze Aged mindsets are likely to be more tradition in home values and more xenophobic to other religions."
So IF Conservatives who are very Fundamental Christians are compared with very fundamental Muslims are they similar in their bigotries?
YES. They are both religiously tied to a religion that was based on an Abrahamic God and so many of the shortcomings and difficulties of relating behaviours and morality of Bronze Aged Middle Eastern villagers with the cosmopolitan advanced people of the Space Age, will be the same or very similar.
To reach this point I had to deconstruct the argument and make it extreme, focus on the religion in common and assume that the Conservatives in question would be both very religious and that the act of being very religious may make them formally reject Feminism and Muslims. Great if that is what you want to assume but a series of big leaps otherwise. More than that it makes the assumption that anti-Islamic sentiment is an extension of being Conservative and Being anti-Feminist is an extension of being Conservative and in fact each of these things inform each other. THEY don't.
Being religious doesn't make you a bigot. You can be a bigot an have NO religious drive. Being conservative doesn't make you a bigot or an anti-Islamic or an anti-feminist. Being Muslim doesn't make you a bigot.
The whole premise was a mess.
But no, Zegh could not understand that this was a train wreck from get go. It was bullshit.