Is it that Buttshit cholera dude??
I'm not even sure if the cholera person and tits McGhee were the same person, or which one of them was the bored with lions person. I didn't really like that those two changed their names so often because it made it difficult to get a sense of who either of them was, so I sort of thought of them as the same person, but I do think they were two different people, I think they were maybe both moderators at some point, and I got the impression they were both female and both left because of all the feminism stuff. Even though that makes them sound like one person again.
The lion was male, and often has something with "lang" or "lion" in his name, that is how I recognised him. HE has a knack for things with language. And he has been around on forums I was on for at least 8 years.
Now your post vaguely reminds me that tits McGee used something like princess buttcholera. I never got a sense on who he or she was, or what kind of person. The massive postwhoring in images, little text, and abundance of namechanges made it really hard. I had completely forgotten about the buttcholera moniker.
Something with "buttc" made me think of buttcoffee immediately.
Conlang probably did leave because of the anti-feminism spree. It was pretty boring to be on ASDC when that was 80% of the active posts. So, can't blame him. He's active on AFN now, I think. He wasn't the only one leaving around that time.
The Lord of the Ales is very recognisable, also if he had entered under another name, and with another avatar.