Guess which ONE of the following is NOT true:
I already have 3 friends on IxI.
I hate introducing myself.
My last name is Blizzard.
I have 8 siblings.
I'm the only one of my sibliings with AS.
My mother is of Irish Descent.
My father is of English Descent.
My NickName is Double A.
I have a lighted Keyboard.
I am proficient with a pistol, shotgun and assault rifle.
I have captained my own sailboat.
I have lived on the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific Coast and in the Mid West. And in the South.
I am a certified Scuba Diver.
Blue is my favorite color.
I speak 3 languages fluently.
I've seen two people as they died.
I've been married twice without dating either one.
I think this sounds like a highschooler talking.
I'm a proficient rum drinker.
I work at a nuclear facility and sometimes play with radioactive material.
I own a jet boat.
I am a male.
I am 4.4 decades in age.
I hope this is the beginers' board.
Until the 12th grade, I thought squinting was required during eye exams .
I got my first pair of glasses in the 12th grade.
I think all Europeans sound smart no matter what they are saying because of their accent.
I have never piloted an airplane.
I was a virgin until the first time I got laid.
I have friends in Romaina, Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Ireland. (Although they technically may not currently be in those countries.)
I still have all of my fingers and toes.
I know what the ultimate question to the ultimate answer of 42 is.
I'm getting up now to freshen my drink.
I miss understand 80% of what people think should be easy for me to understand.
I believe I should have numbered these.
I believe this list is too effing long.
I don't really like internet slang.
I think crazy bitch is a very good poet.
I made my own computer table.
My computer table looks suprising nice.
I tend to ramble when I'm nervous.
I like brunettes.
I'm really getting up now to freshen that drink.