It doesn't frighten me. The simple reason being that every time there's a new disease spreading in the world, the media blows it out of proportion and makes it look a hell of a lot worse than it actually is. They use fear tactics to get our attention.
Remember mad cow disease? Bird flu? Swine flu?
Where are they now?
Mad cow disease led to very drastic, and needed reactions, to avoid it becoming massive. Otherwise it would have spread out of control, and there is no cure.
It changed thoughts about what to feed animals too.
The problem of Ebola is the fear that makes people shun healthcare, when they think they may be contaminated. And there is innate need in people to physically care for their loved ones. So, contamination goes on and on. Combine that with a social infrastructure that is not that clear cut. And ad more fear, so healthworkers get to be seen as the enemies.
It's a nasty thing. And a dangerous one. Not so much in the west. The west will quarantine far more effective. And there is better care here. In Africa it may evolve into a staying disease.
About the flu, there will be a big one, one day. Will happen, and there will be nothing we can do about it. The only thing that will help you then is a good physical start to begin with. So, getting scared about it will not help preventing. It's like rain, it will fall or not.