the music in Gladiator is the best!!!
We (my LS) had a music package for FFXI that had the Gladiator soundtrack. It was a good change from the usual FFXI music (though some of FFXI's music kicks ass).
Definitions, please.
The soundtrack of FFXI (Final Fantasy 11) is zone oriented (game is divided into areas). Most zones have some sort of looping music while running around. When engaged with a monster, zones have different battle music which obviously has more tension. The battle music is good in some zones, especially Dynamis-Xarcabard. There are other songs in instances and storyline cutscenes, but nothing with actual singing other than the ending of Chains of Promaitha. The Gladiator soundtrack went well with more epic end game encounters like Dynamis and Besieged. Those involve anywhere from 64 to 750 players though fighting monsters in the same zone. The music from those areas were already pretty good, but not the quality of the soundtrack to Gladiator. Mostly MIDI instrumentation, though some good orchestration in some instances. Only one track that has the warmth of actual instruments and that is the aformentioned CoP ending track (has singing too). The FFXI soundtrack is only good for a few songs for someone who didn't play the game at all. It doesn't make as much sense out of the context of the storyline in some aspects.
The pack was a collection of songs and instructions on how to alter the DAT files of the game so that the songs from Gladiator replaced specific FFXI songs. You can also do DAT swapping and remapping/retexturing with FFXI. I have messed with that a little, just to make my character look different. I don't have to do that much because I have some of the most sought after gear in the game for my job. People are jealous of me and one person actually offered me $2,000 irl for my damn body armour lol.