Did we hurt your precious feelings by pointing out some of the problems your country is faced with? Poor thing.
No actually. Its just redundant that you speak repeatedly with almost no knowledge of the issue. When is the last time you visited my country? What do you really know of it's history and laws?
I did hurt your precious feelings, didn't I? It's a problem to you when we highlight some of the issues your country is faced with, isn't it? You become all defensive.
Maybe you should contribute to the field, then, because the people who actually do the research don't know.
I'd eat my hat if they really didn't know. Its just that they don't have enough evidence to write a publication.
Doesn't stop you from claiming things and calling it common sense. Go for that paper. Or prepare your hat.
You do realise that we have lives outside this place? I, for example, tend to open this thread only in the mornings, when drinking my morning coffee, knowing that headway can't be made.
So you claimed you defeated Adam because he didn't reply to you quickly enough. If you have problems reading things in context, don't remove the context.
You and Lit only rarely allow anyone's arguments to affect yours, and never when guns are discussed.
You have to defeat my points to affect my argument, especially when you attempt to attack parts of my country's constitution. I know you didn't start that, Adam did. But you had no problem with joining him in it.
There you are with your precious feelings again. Is your constitution sacred, somehow? You mad, bro?
Lit will call us brainwashed and you will make the whole thing to be about your country.
Well, you were the one saying "murricans'" a bunch of times. That word does mean the United States, right? Snap!
The word is 'mericans. Don't make this to be about your feelings.
And there's TA who will echo your sentiments.
He agrees with me. Would you like a gun to shoot him with?
I realise you tend to see guns as a solution but I'll just ignore him. Easier.
So decide what you want. It won't magically make it true.
I feel exactly the same way, pardner.
We seem to be making some headway, then. I'm glad you realise your decisions are subjective.
Do try to stay on topic, please.
Hah. Hard to swallow ain't it? The numbers don't favor your view, and I have a stack of em for you if you're interested in a bit of reality.
The numbers I presented did. Probably why you ignored them. Reality is a bitch, isn't it?
So if you are unemployed, you don't have a right to health care unless you use the gun to force it?
No, you get off your ass and get a job.
This comment is so clueless it's astonishing. Makes me wonder if you have any idea of you country's actual problems.
How do you manage to so completely miss my point? Deliberately?
No, you missed mine.
My dad is stronger than your dad.
Feelings? What feelings?
You are not making any sense. Want to try again?
You feel the world would be better without firearms, don't you?
I *think* the world would be better without firearms.
You're not handling me at all, mate. Takes a lot more than the above
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. You are not defeating my arguments, the thread is slowing down, and you're beginning to resort to one sentence quips. Looks a lot like things are in my favor, here.
Just because you say so doesn't make it true. You are not defeating my arguments, the thread is slowing down, and you're beginning to resort to one sentence quips. Looks a lot like things are in my favor, here.
Unlike you, I back up my numbers. You just seem to invent yours
I was talking to adam there, sir. And the only time you used numbers, I destroyed them with some of my own.
You invented numbers, from the looks of it. Back them up and I might take them more seriously.