DUDE. Its none of our business! Did they use chemical weapons on us? Nope. Did they ask our divine messiah for help, or even his gay opinion? NOPE! Did WE fucking ask him? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SHUT THE FUCK UP, OBAMA!
I'm not talking about Obama. Anybody should be obliged to react on the use of chemical warfare. Put USA aside, what about Italy? Turkey. India? Anybody.
No. Unless the chemical weapons are used against any of those countries BY Syria, or they ask any of them for help, then those countries are obligated to mind their own fucking business.
No because chemical warfare goes into world-community territory. The use of chemical warfare sets a presedent. It's not about who attacked who, but it is one of these times when international communities _should_ act.
It's the same as with Rwanda. It was not good that the international community minded their own business. It was bad, in that case, and some cases like it, very bad in fact.
We are good at ignoring cases where we should have reacted, and then attack other places pretending to do it out of care.
The use of chemical weapons are textbook example of case that should be met with unanymous international hostility. Nothing to do with USA or not USA, or Russia or not Russia, but to open up for legitimization of chemical warfare - letting the world now: Yes, we allowed it to happen. Now you know.
We have ignored such before though, with Saddam and the Kurds, and it was a bad thing to ignore back then too. It made the later attack seem so much more out of place, and this has often been a point about the Iraq-war, as you may have noticed.
Again - don't see this as a "USA world police" matter, but a "international community - anybody - is obliged to react" matter.