It goes against the grain, actually. Your site is the one marketed as 'providing a safe haven for autists' and yet you have just treated DFG very badly indeed.
Coping with the event you have just subjected her to would be pretty hard to take for a NT, so how safe a haven did you provide her? "Hi DFG you are a mod" ... ten mins later "You are not anymore"
Poor girl wants to know why "You used the word penis" "You are untrustworthy" "Not positive enough" "Staff on another site" REMOVING POSTS BANNING HER FELLA ACCUSATIONS OF THREATENING TEXTS etc etc
Don't you see, your actions don't match the spiel on your website. Some safe haven.
does match the spiel here though
don't it?
It should be plain to see from DFG's insane reaction
why she is not suitable to mod
she is the one who wont let it go
I gave her the best explanation I could
She was not a good fit
You are answering your members with comments like "none of your business" and worse. I have great difficulty in seeing how your site can be a safe haven for anyone, given your conduct here.
I'd take a few steps back and reconsider all this if I were you, Sky.
you love the drama
makes I^2 a place people want to come to
notice the crowd who watched this
looked like a lot
Soon as DFG quits spouting shit
this will go away
But I can help you out odeon
I will lock the thread if you like
problem solved
or you could go by everything I^2 stands for
y'all have set the precedent
OK I have to say something. As I guess most people have seen, this latest incident with dfg and skyblue was nothing to do with "our site".
Furthermore I hope everyone realises skyblue is giving many contrary reasons for acting as he has and they all contradict each other. When one is torpedoed he goes to another one completely different. Horrible job of spin doctoring. Again
You don't have a clue grumpy.
Here's a quarter go buy some brains.
I guess it was you who hijacked the aspiesforfreedom blog and changed the log in info
Of course I have no proof of that
But then again you are the only other person who had the password.
What say you,
you sack of shit
Enthrall me with an essay, on why you are righteous and I am not
As you can guess, I have grown just as tired of your bull
As I was in 2008.
What say I?
I say you are lying, again.
Of course you can't prove anything? Right especially if it was bullshit in the first place.
I do have the password you sent me.
I went to the blog the other day and could not log in due to not guessing what usernameI used 2 or 3 years ago. Why did I want to go there? I wanted to remove my posts that I made. I had to copy them instead. I did not feel compelled to pm you back for the username.
Why are you lying so much. That is what I am genuinely interested in.
again you don't know what you are talking about
and can only bandy about, the word liar
You are a liar yourself
As I said I have grown weary of your fucking shit.
You don't deserve your avatar, grumpy
You muddy even the real Al's sordid reputation
Is this my chance to be upset about attacks on my choice of avatar? Ought I accept the opportunity?
Don't care
knock yourself out.
Or perhaps one of your shills can speak for you
You must have learned that tactic from McJ and his lapdog Richard
Bloke is using shills to attack a forum owner?
More bullshit.Add it to the list
cool, you have a list also