It's 14 degrees Fahrenheit or -10 degrees Celsius here.
I have never experienced temperature like that.
It got to 34C here today.
Wow, that's 93.2 degrees Fahrenheit. It's 7 degrees Fahrenheit or -13.9 degrees Celsius here right now.
My daughter wanted to go to Burger King for lunch, so I got her to help me shovel the snow off the driveway and sidewalk first. I think that we got only about 7 inches or so.
If I saw that snow I would probably roll around in it.
Does it ever get to 100 degrees Fahrenheit where you are?
Almost never here, but it did where I grew up, in Alabama.
We rarely had snow there, though. An inch of snow would close the roads.
One time it snowed about 18 inches there and it was near zero degrees Fahrenheit and the weather people called that blizzard, "
The Storm of the Century."
A couple of days later, the temperature was back up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. We lost power for days because of that snowstorm.