There is a thunderstorm just starting. One tried yesterday evening, but never really got off the ground (so to speak

), just let off a couple of colossal thunderbolts then faded away.
These aren't nearly so loud, but there have so far been more of them. I love thunderstorms, they clear the air when its been all filthy humid and hot. Although it didn't pick the most fantastic time.
I was just about to go grab the seeds from the kitchen, some chemicals from the lab for fertilizer (potassium phosphate, and ammonium nitrate), and go round all the local waste ground. Its time to plant the coming year's crops of poppies

Or would be if it wasn't pissing it down and I wasn't shivering a bit, warming up though in my dressing gown.
The planting can wait until tomorrow or the next day, I don't want to get soaked and/or possibly crispy-fried. Hmmph! what a thought...the metal in my face might act as a lightening conductor! that would be messy. I think I'll stay in, have a fag and just chill while listening to the storm.