Author Topic: What is the Weather like where You Live?  (Read 288060 times)

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3210 on: February 13, 2009, 01:16:51 PM »
In the wake of the worst wildfires in Australian history and the country’s worst natural disaster, Victoria Premier John Brumby is expected to introduce the toughest building standards in Australia’s history for areas prone to bushfires. Brumby, who previously opposed stricter building standards which would make housing more expensive, did an abrupt about face in the wake of last weekend’s “Black Saturday” devastation, which killed more than 200 people in a series of more than 400 fires near Melbourne in southern Australia and left over 5,000 homeless. New high-tech, fire-resistant building standards are estimated to increase the cost of each new home in fire-prone areas of Victoria by about $20,000. The common practice of building flammable houses in or near fire-prone bush areas will end.

Yeah, moving away from the 'big wooden shack' style of house construction might be a good idea in places where fire has been an integral part of the environment for millions of years.

i'm wondering why they haven't thought of that before.
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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3211 on: February 13, 2009, 03:43:50 PM »
We have problems with snow "surprising" the authorities and blocking roads, cutting of power supply etc every winter.  ::)

Let's not forget the trams and the trains. Every winter comes as a surprise to these people.
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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3212 on: February 15, 2009, 12:05:45 AM »
In the wake of the worst wildfires in Australian history and the country’s worst natural disaster, Victoria Premier John Brumby is expected to introduce the toughest building standards in Australia’s history for areas prone to bushfires. Brumby, who previously opposed stricter building standards which would make housing more expensive, did an abrupt about face in the wake of last weekend’s “Black Saturday” devastation, which killed more than 200 people in a series of more than 400 fires near Melbourne in southern Australia and left over 5,000 homeless. New high-tech, fire-resistant building standards are estimated to increase the cost of each new home in fire-prone areas of Victoria by about $20,000. The common practice of building flammable houses in or near fire-prone bush areas will end.

Yeah, moving away from the 'big wooden shack' style of house construction might be a good idea in places where fire has been an integral part of the environment for millions of years.

i'm wondering why they haven't thought of that before.

Cost usually. Plus some people like building with wood etc, probably because they are retarded.

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3213 on: February 15, 2009, 07:42:25 AM »
A post about bonfire house construction in California:

Contstructing Common Sense, By Ramona Byron 

About the Southern California fires that are going on right now, my question is: "What the devil were the developers and city councils thinking?"


As I write this, people are fleeing, their homes are going up in smoke, many of their helpless animals were abandoned to their fates, and acrid smoke and ashes fill the air.


I will admit that I'm no expert on fire fighting or prevention, although I did have occasion to study it in the Navy Officer Candidate School.  There, we learned that there are three elements to a fire: fuel, oxygen, and heat. If you take away only one of those three elements, the fire goes out.


Now, obviously, you cannot remove oxygen and heat from Southern California. But we could do a lot about the element of fuel for wildfires that is now being provided by the houses.


As I watch the news footage of home burning in Southern California, I see over and over that these houses have little or no fire resistance, even though they are built in obvious wildfire zones. I even see cedar shake roofs on some of these houses, and I watch the footage of fire quickly consuming the flammable shakes and the roofs caving in. These houses seem to be pyres that are just sitting there and waiting for a spark to set them off.


Just to make things even crazier, they build houses in canyons, and then install wooden decks (also known as "fuel") sticking out over the canyon as if to ensure that any fire down there will be led straight up to the house. Then to top it all off, they have gas grills out there on the decks, ready to explode if a fire inevitably blows up from the canyon.


Often these houses have those fashionable but useless wooden arbors over the front doors as a lame effort to create some shade at the entrances. Those things are at best a complete waste of building materials because they do not provide shade, and at worst they are a nearly-criminal thing to do to a house. So if anyone had to run out of their burning house with their cedar-shake roofs, they would be caught in the fire that is right at the door from these idiotic wooden arbors.


Does any city or county planning commission around here ever consider fire prevention when they are approving house construction permits or developing building codes? Have any of them, even once, considered what it means to firefighters to have to protect these flimsy houses that are being continually and increasingly built in known wildfire zones? Is there one shred of common sense anywhere around here at all?
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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3214 on: February 15, 2009, 12:38:03 PM »
I followed the link and her suggestions for more fire-resistant building materials for the siding and roofs and sprinklers on top of the roofs and getting rid of the decks and arbors were pretty interesting.

A few people have arbors over their decks here and they make absolutely no sense to me, either.  They don't keep either the rain or sun off, so of what functional value are they?


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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3215 on: February 15, 2009, 01:37:13 PM »
Feels warm.... I guess,  most people probably have a lighter jacket on, but I have a heavy winter coat on.
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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3216 on: February 15, 2009, 02:23:12 PM »
Ok, there it goes,  boiling and sweating.   Hyper to.
famous piligram John Alden is my direct descendent. physically fit!, wanna hit me yet?, warnning, you may have to acutually walk first! Persuasive creates his own luck has ability & drive to succeed   drink "Diet Dr. Maina" :) "62" orgasms at 1 time Fuck you faggot ass! not wishing Metabolic profile ( insulin metabolism etc) is almost perfect with no psychic meds, so go fuck yourself! semiautonomic controll over tear glands ambedexterous


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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3217 on: February 15, 2009, 03:18:15 PM »
More rain.

Offline Phlexor

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3218 on: February 16, 2009, 07:43:20 AM »
Still smell smoke in the air. Yuk

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3219 on: February 16, 2009, 11:46:59 AM »
About 40F(4.4C) clear
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Offline Peter

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3220 on: February 16, 2009, 01:29:37 PM »
9C; it's turned much milder lately.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3221 on: February 16, 2009, 01:53:35 PM »
-5 oC and about 10 cm of snow.

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3222 on: February 16, 2009, 02:39:21 PM »

Offline odeon

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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3223 on: February 16, 2009, 04:59:58 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: What is the Weather like where You Live?
« Reply #3224 on: February 17, 2009, 03:27:58 AM »