Stormy Times
Added : Sun 7 January : 13:34GMT
The relentless unsettled conditions will continue throughout the coming week in the form of further intense North Atlantic low pressure systems, one such feature is expected to cross all parts during the rest of Sunday and into Sunday night.
The primary problem this week will be the detail, with such active weather expected throughout the entire week there are some uncertainties over the specifics. One thing is for sure however and that is it will become very wet indeed with local and possible regional flooding expected by the end of the week.
England and Wales will see the wettest of the weather with an initial low pressure sweeping across all parts through Monday. Following on behind will be a series of frontal waves, these 'wiggles' along a front cause the front to become almost stationary with pulses of heavy rain from time to time. Scotland and Northern Ireland will see some brighter and cooler weather with showers and all places will see brighter and showery weather by Thursday, some of the showers wintry over highest ground. The end of the week sees yet another low pressure bringing further wet and very windy weather.
By the end of the week the majority of us will all probably be singing a rendition of ''The Animals Went in Two by Two'...'and they all went into the ark for to get out of the rain'