Ahhh refreshing that certain members are still apparantly capable of retortion!
Yes rage i'm new. Since 2006.
Sky. Having a break, probably why i'm a little on edge but after observing for the last three days (as i feel neither the need or inclination to post every inane thought in my head whenever i could like most of you!) i have noticed that not only does this guy not seem bothered by all your attempts to goad/demean him but he's actually enjoying it! So your whole reason for indulging him is completely futile... If you can't see that then you obviously need a break. And if you did notice then you're obviously either in need of stimulation or are a sucker for punishment.
As for comments from whichever member has used the sockpuppet to attempt to goad me, i care not for attention right now. As you have said as of late i haven't posted much. What does this tell you? If i gave a shit what ypu thought of me i guess i'd be crying right now like the little bitch you incorrectly assume that i am.
You should be more creative in your approach and less inflamatory!
I'm not doing any of this out of spite or the petty need for attention. I'm trying to help you lot as this person is smarter than they make out and is enjoying not only the attention but the fact that you mostly think that he's a foolish cretin.
But sure. Go ahead, belittle my comments and carry on debasing yourselves and the site as a whole. I could care less. (:
Also. On the phone so apologies if i made grammar and spelling errors!
Damn. I did say i could care less. Now apologising!!!!!!! Counter intuative!!!!