drawing the lines in my own life has been a journey and i still change them frequently.
i feel that i do not have a right to judge what others choose in their own lives, just so long as it isn't harming another individual.
for example:
many people look down on physically abusive relationships. i do not.
it seems that a woman who chooses a man who is physically abusive usually comes from the same type of environment growing up; dad was abusive to mom.
at some point the woman gets the courage to leave this abusive relationship, but more times than not the next relationship they seek out is abusive also.
i tend to think that the reason for this is because it provides an atmosphere of familiarity for the woman, since, that is all she has ever known. would she be comfortable, know how to act, or even be happy in a relationship that wasn't abusive?
i just feel like it is not up to me to decide for other people what gets them through their day. what makes them tick. what works for them.