QV, I think you're kewl
THis is written under sleepy time medications kicking in, so you may need some translation and guess work. Until recently I thought of myself as the totally faulty but perfect individual.
If the check out line says 20 items and you have 15 cans of cat food, a bag of oranges, 2 loaves of bread, a tin of tea, a candy bar and one pound of butter, you have 21 items, not 6. Get the hell out of my line and go where you belong.
If you walked off the checkout line to get something you'd forgotten, then I pull your cart out since you hadn't finished and so shouldn't be in line.
Don't block an intersection I may not honk, but I will certainly steam and fury.
Now, I make up silly excuses: Oh, he's blocking the intersection because his shoe fell off and he diddn't notice he was creeping on the light.
Yuo want to get ahead of me then go ahead. It's not worth it.
My right idea is someone's bad idea. And the opposite. I once corrected the PR for eating sushi with her hand instead of a chopstick. Found out that night on the internet you can eat with your fingers. I'm really trying to let humans play out their lives as they want to. It's certainly easier than living with the anger, hurt and hatred that jumps in when I get SELF-RIGHTEOUS and SUPERIOR.