Marx, how old are you? That might help me to understand this view you have,
Thinking young.
i'm 35, whether this constitutes being young is a matter of personal preference. 
I'm wondering if marx and WhiteWidow (from WP) are the same.
The grammar difference threw me off, but the stark similarities in ideology are uncanny.
no, i am not this white window person. they appear to have gotten the jist of what is really going on, but aren't very sure of their own ideas, as I am...
And for your information, my dear children, I am perfectly capable to altering my grammar to fit any situation I happen to find my self involved in. i iz jst lkez this wayez!
no, really, i use this posting style to distinguish myself from potential impersonators.
Okay so you didn't take a look like I suggested.
Dude, no. You are noticing patterns in regular nonsense. I could do the same thing to a bag of legos, do a few equations regarding the colors, sizes, shapes, number, and figure it out to be the sept 9 11, or the 2012 armageddon date, or make one up out of the solution I got with a little imagination and ideas of reference.
Get off the drugs. MmK?