Question is, have you actually got any real point with anything
Yes, I'm trying in vain to explain to you that 10 months is longer than 8 months but you're too reetarded to understand that much.
Perhaps this explains why you're a used car salesman. You're too stupid to do anything technical.
But I digress, once again you're boring the fuck out of me.
No you aren't. You were saying that Me having thought that some new member here was you (because he posted in a similar style - with the intellect and noise of a chimpanzee with a pair of cymbals), and this was the same as you living in my head. You then said you had been gone 8 months. I found this hard to believe (probably had not really noticed or missed your absence that much? I dunno?) . You then posted that it was 10 months. Something I did not question
NOW YOU are telling me (for the first time) that 10 months is longer than 8 months, and say that you are trying to explain this to me (and infer that I don't get this fact). I never said you weren't and I did not say anything about it not being 10 months instead of 8 or visa versa.
The only one arguing this point and the merits of that point IS...............................YOU.
So not only are you arguing with yourself and defending positions that you create to defend, without anyone else arguing it. But you don't even understand what it is you are arguing. I had to tell you exactly what you were and were not arguing. Sad really
You know what is worse? You thought you were arguing with me over your being away 8 or 10 months.
You were arguing about how long you ran away from here because you were scared. This was not what you were arguing about, but you wanted to insist on how long you had ran away for? Knock yourself out pansy.
As for my being a used car salesman. Nice try but no. Salesman yes, but I know fuck all about cars. Know enough about my actual job to do it well and not get fired.,18243.0.htmlBut others work life is personal, and something I do not get into, and I like to keep my shit personal, including my specifics of work. You understand.
So...Scrap, you were saying something about stupidity, retardation and your difficulties in communicating. Please continue....