nothing of any consequence whatsoever. so what's new?
got up. staggered about.
Stop stealing my life!
sorry. would you like the scalded hand i managed to acquire this morning, too?
Is that a trick question?
no, and i apologise for any sarcasm/bitterness.
(ouch! hope you are okay and that it wasn't too bad).
it hurts like fuck, but i whacked it under the cold tap straight away, then applied lavender oil and aloe vera juice (plants in kitchen and bathroom for precisely that purpose) a couple of times. it's blistered up a bit, still, sadly, but i've just put calendula ointment on it, which takes away the pain and soothes it. i'll keep the lavender and aloe up for the rest of the day, too.
i hate being depressed - it always makes me clumsy, and/or injure myself.