Well I wanna tell this racist joke I know, because it sort of fits the situation. Plus I think it is funny.
This black man goes to see the doctor and he says his wife just had another kid, and he can't have anymore because he can't support them.
So the doctor looks up what he is supposed to do in his little book and it says, "If you has yo'self a nigger, and he is potent, cut off one testicle."
So the doctor cut off one of the guy's testicles.
Later the black man comes back and he says his wife just had another kid and he still cannot support anymore kids.
So the doctor looks up what he is supposed to do, and the book says, "If you has yo'self a nigger, and he is potent, and you has cut off one testicle, and he is still potent, cut off the other testicle."
So the doctor cuts off the other testicle.
Later the black man comes back and he says his wife just had ANOTHER kid, what is he gonna do?
So the doctor looks in the book and it says, "If you has yo'self a nigger, and he is potent, and you has cut off one testicle, and he is still potent, and you has cut off the other testicle and he is STILL potent, then you been cuttin' the wrong nigger."
This isn't a racist joke so much as a sex joke with a racist styling on it, which is why i think it is still funny.