My mother from the get go pretty much had a no-BS attitude to rearing me. She took me out and helped me get involved with other kids, along with extensive speech therapy etc. She was not trying to "cure" me either, just trying to get myself as ready as possible for life in general. Still was difficult as shit though, for me and for her. Worth it though, now in college and hoping to keep on going for at least a Master's degree. I'm even thinking of becoming a teacher/lecturer. I have friends, a social life and even managed to maintain a relationship. People literally don't notice I have any problems to the point that they think I'm lying (even though I still have issues, but they're easily masked). I pretty much take that as a compliment nowadays. If I tell people I have AS and they ACTUALLY believe me, then they instantly turn patronising and treat me like I am some mongoloid, even though I'm probably more smarter and knowledgeable than them.
Then you get parents who do nothing for their kids, accept there's "something wrong" with them and basically say "I can't do much about it, they're always going to be like that". Enabling basically. These kids turn into "adult children" or even worse, retarded spastics like Spookane. I would hate to be the child of these kind of people.