I was a cubicle dweller back in the 90s.
What I found amazing was that some people seemed to believe that because nobody could see them, then nobody could hear them. So you had people who would slurp their drinks and make a horrendous racket chewing with their mouths open. Sniffing loudly and constantly or grunting like hogs. Throat clearing and hawking. Some people you didn't have to look, you knew if they were in their cubicle or not according to whether the constant stream of gross noise was present or not. Walkmans were a lifesaver, for those not murdered by the walkman users.
Even in 2011 I was working in a kind of hybrid environment, part open plan, like larger cubicles for 3 or 4 people. One team had this really nice young guy who sniffed and cleared his throat constantly. They kicked him out of their cubicle and into a spare one so he could annoy other people, including me.
Open plan offices seem to keep at least some people more civilized. Like they become aware that there are other humans present.