Up for more than one day at a time, punctuated by sleeping for LONG periods of time. Take ages to fall asleep and rarely ever seem to do it naturally. Very little appetite, I tend to graze, with snacks, and TRY to eat one meal a day if I can.
But At other times I will sleep for days, and not wake up at all during intervals other than maybe to to piss or take a shit. Doesn't take much to tire me out...sometimes. Other times I can't sleep for trying. GABA drugs also have odd effects on me, my response is blunted to benzos, barbs, baclofen, I CAN'T get high on pregabalin (ok, so it might be an alpha2 delta voltage gated calcium channel agonist and just LOOK like GABA, but its crosstolerant with benzos and co),
And valerian gives me very, very, very vivid dreams, almost as much as say, 10mg doses of nicotine. Anybody else like this? makes me wonder if I have some sort of mitochondrial issues going on. Also, I have myoclonic episodes, sometimes almost uncontrollable. I'm considering doing a muscle biopsy and subjecting it to gomori trichrome stain to check for MERFF syndrome, but other than that, I have no ideas. Shitty memory too. I have to regulate my sleep cycling with alpha2 adrenoreceptor agonist-induced KO to help avoid cognitive impairment due to sleep deprivation, just to make sure I sleep SOMETIMES. And my executive function is shittier than my memory