I don't remember the exact date the family immigrated, but it was the 1850's. They came from Rosscommon, the heart of the Potato Famine. Within 2 months a brother, (aged 19) and step-mother died from Yellow Fever, the father died within a year, aged 71, and that left my GGGrandfather who was an adult. Evidently things weren't too bad for thim in New Orleans, possibly because it was strongly Catholic. My GGGF managed to accumulate quite a bit of wealth, economic, political and social importance fairly quickly. His son ran for Lt. Governor after the Civil War, but lost.
Not too interested in African slaves in America. I remember reading in the Slave Census for 1860 that the City of New Orleans owned 4 male slaves who worked in some hard labor government agency. Those poor guys must have had it really bad.