Buy some H, and some JWH-018 (a synthetic cannabinoid) as well as some methoxetamine (a dissociative, analog of ketamine, sort of a hybrid between ket and eticyclidine).
Also finish the lab work on my sunifiram project, or at least make some progress.
Got a nasty form from the benefit agency. I HATE those. They do occasional reviews, sending a massive form with a fuckton of intrusive questions, wanting to know everything short of the scent of one's farts, one's blood type and what one last ate. The form is something like 45 pages long, with 5-6-7 questions on each page. Even wanting to know what benefits and savings my family has.
Filled most of it out, but I have to finish it off. Since my disability has got a lot worse, my leg is awful now, I'm on a bloody big dose of oxycontin and oxynorm, as well as a crapload of strong anti-inflammatories, and am trying to get a corticosteroid shot done. I am hoping I can swing it to actually get MORE money.
Waiting for my provisional driving license, my folks are paying for that, and for driving lessons.
There was something else I need to do, but I can't for the hells of me remember what the fuck it is.