That is really interesting Skyblue.

I am a leftie, but both my parents and all siblings are right handed.
I don't know if i posted this already, but the urchin, who has turned over a new leaf now at school is still struggling with writing and holding a pen. It appears he can't decide if he is left or right?
The teacher asked me what foot he kicks a ball with. This caused me some angst as i suddenly realised that no one has ever kicked a ball round with him. This is really really bordering on neglect in England. Little boys need to play footy.
So, i have been taking him to the park, and doing said activity. Rather badly.
It turns out, he has the same problem with his feet. I don't know what to do? Should i just try and focus on one or the other? I always thought it was wrong to push someone either way, but it is holding him back.