I thought id add my own disclaimer just to be on the safe side, my lawyer inform me that it's legally sound and will hold up in any court of law in the land.
This site it is McJagger's fault, of that there is no doubt,
i asked him to tone it down, i begged and screamed and i shout,
but he said "nay, im doing this here thing" just like a common lout,
well i hope he see's sense soon before we're all stubbed out,
This madness it's down to McJ, it's his responsibility,
if anything goes wrong, well speak to him, it's nothing to do with me,
that's as sure as the human-sized cat will knock on my door this night at half-past three,
my friends i shall haste away as it's not my fault as even a blind man can see,
I sure hope that cat is in good spirits today, i know i'll offer him tea!