Gestalt was great in its day. I learned quite a lot from it. Wish I had access to it though, there was a thread I made (others did too) about me and autism. I would have liked to copy the information to my computer. I've lost two blogs too. Just hasn't been my luck to keep things online.
oh I wish I had put more effort in there now. What kind of things did you learn there? One thing I remember about you, is you making a thread called "I'm a not very smart autistic". I felt the same way.
Haha, vaguely remember that thread. My view is still the same. I still haven't found anything that I'm particularly good at. Tried my hand at computing, I mean autistics are meant to be good at that, right? Not me. Mediocre at best. Very interesting and fun though.
I started going to uni to study psychology while I was regularly posting on Gestalt. Couldn't fault the encouragement and well wishes I got from people on there. I learnt stuff about the brain, how it works and autism differences. Wish I could just go on there now and pick some threads that would be interesting for you to read, because my memory isn't that great.
yeah, all my aspie friends my age work in IT and coding, I've tried to do library courses but I just get bored. I'm sure I could force myself, but I'm never going to compete with someone who finds it as naturally interesting as I do literature and travel (for example).
I'm still not sure I know how to explain to myself how my AS feels. I think a lot of it is I just don't care about group fun, like when people at work are singing along to songs in silly voices and stuff. But how much of that is just me being a grumpy sod.
you used to like sci fi TV a lot didn't you? I'm watching Babylon 5 for the first time this year.