What MLA said got me to thinking and inspired me to post this.
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* It seems you have finally repented for your sins MLA, good on you. I have stood by long enough without saying anything, and no, I am not just jumping on the bandwagon. Some of you are arrogant trolls and this is your little cesspool of a BBS that can bring out the worst in people, so I will be addressing your actions. You find one little flaw in a person and you pick at it until the become a scum of the earth troll or until you feel you have bullied them into submission. Case in point, MLA and Calavera. When MLA was a Moderator at WP, I respected him, as he was one of the people that taught me how to moderate effectively. After being a member here for a short time, I saw what you trolls did to him, you turned him into a troll much like yourselves, at which point I lost my respect for him. I was so blind to do that and now I see that you just bought out a part of him that he keeps under control. Regarding Calavera, I joined the men's board in early April when I thought I could get some perspective on how to embrace being a man while living with Asperger's. I never had the intention of being a Moderator there, and to this day, I have no idea why MLA made that suggestion to Calavera. Working with him was great to start with, the rules there were to my liking, and he was easy to get along with. Around the time he promted me to Administrator was when I started getting strange feeling that he had changed, and when he was banned from WP for pulling that stupid stunt on Plank, that's when I knew he had turned into a troll. After that point, he changed the rules and slowly started turning MAA into a more I2-like environment. He wanted me to "accept freedom of expression like Intensity does", which I know is code for "tolerate bullying". It's pretty obvious that you people convinced him to change the rules so you would have another place to spew excrement. Over the next few months, I did not like his actions at all, and as such, the threads in our Moderator's forum and PM's were mostly arguments over ethics.
Hey, mate. Long time. What you been up to?
Look, about your thought, as much as you're free to express it, it's just wrong. No one here is responsible for what I choose to do by my own will. That's called scapegoating and I'm not ok with you doing this at all.
You think I2 has made me a troll, and yet I don't see myself as one. Showing indignance with what Alex did is not considered trolling in my book. He really ticked me off when he got rid of that thread because I hate narcissists like him who think they can have anything go their way even if it means being selfish fucking cowards who won't own up to what they do. For some weirdass reason, you randomly defend the guy every now and then, and at other times, you agree it wasn't right what he did. Which makes me think you're suffering major cognitive dissonance there, and I think I know why (but I won't mention it here).
Anyway, I found out Alex was a twat from before I even joined this forum. No one here had much influence on the way I perceived Alex even if Alex never abused that girl. So I really think you should not project your naivete and cluelessness on me. When I spot selfish pricks like him online (or in real life), I act accordingly. There's no time and point for me to give such people the benefit of the doubt simply because people like them rarely (if ever) change.
Sinnocent was crude in her remarks, but she made some good points. I assigned you as moderator over at MAA because I felt for you and wanted to give you a chance and even get you to learn things from your experience as a mod. I had you later on as administrator because I realized you just weren't at the time ready to be a mod (dealing with the rules for MAA) and I didn't want to demod you because, as mean as I can be, couldn't bring myself to do so to someone like you whose feelings in a way I cared about.
Yeah, there was some confusion with the rules only because it was originally meant as an extension for WP then realized that a forum for men with autism couldn't succeed under a WP-like environment, so we had to allow for more freedom of expression (and that was before you became an admin). As far as I know, there wasn't much bullying there. Each member there had more than enough freedom to express his/her own views regardless of what others thought about them.
Hope this clarifies some things for you, and don't ever again put the blame for my own behavior on others.
And to all you guys here, sorry for just disappearing so suddenly, but this break is much needed. And whether I come back to post here regularly or not, you guys take care of yourselves because the New World Order will be implemented soon.
Just kidding.
Have fun all.