US people are lucky buggers, at least with regards to foods available.
Can't get koolaid here either which is a right fucker. Lol, I stole the lot from my former housemate just after I kicked her arse to the curb.
(before anyone gives me hell for that.....yes, she deserved it. Bitch by the name of
squirrel/fire. Compulsive liar, kitten-kidnapping, thieving, attentionwhore, fat slapper that went to the pigs to make a rape claim against a guy (albeit a bit of a dick...he couldn't rape his way out of a paper bag with a load of willy peter and a block of C4)....then went back for more...from the same guy.)
In other words...a parasitic serpent that deserved her property rinsing after she got her arse kicked out

(I only wish I hadn't swiped her trenchcoat and laptops as well as the meds, kool-aid and other sugar-based foreign goods)