Got my med refills, and first morphine dose of the day, about to have a cigar. Had meant to administer an intramuscular dose of the pain medication, as per usual, but, as once in a while, occasionally, and quite unpredictably happens, I'd hit a deep vein, far too deep, to aim for on purpose, but the needle tip penetrates at a right angle when it happens, not how an IV ought to be performed (they should be entering the vein at a shallow angle, aiming in the direction blood flows towards the heart), but of course, when that happens, I can't see it, and some muscles are easier to shoot in than others and some areas on the same one offer more, or less resistance to the entry of the liquid, so it's hard to tell.
But when I got a sort of metallic, electrickey taste in my mouth, not ON my tongue, but tasted INSIDE my tongue, if that makes sense, and intense itching at the unintended IV site, plus a strong elevation of my heart rate, much more forceful than usual, and an intense warm, snuggly, euphoric *MMmmmmmMMMMMM!* sort of all-over body and mental rush...I knew what had happened. Accidentally delivered 5ml of saturated morphine sulfate solution intravenously, causing it all to be absorbed within seconds, and take effect all at once.
Not unpleasant though, definitely not complaining. Just unintended. Unintentional, but very nice and quite enjoyable.
Sitting back, and smoking a cigar, as IV rushes from opiates go with tobacco like parasol mushrooms and a frying pan full of sizzling hot, salted butter, the hard stuff not the soft spreadable part veg oil muck. Not the same with pure inhaled nicotine vapour, not at all, the e-cig doesn't hit the spot. It's the only time I smoke tobacco any more, since getting an e-fag. Although I do think I might just have the answer to what makes the difference, between nicotine vapor, and tobacco smoking. And it's something I could either replicate in the lab, and add the compounds to e-liquid, or, extract them from a plant known as the vine of the dead, the vine of souls, or yage' (the ' goes over the top of the letter 'e', pronounced 'yah-ey', with a short 'h'). Or from a couple other plants, but from yage' is the better one IMO, unless going the synthetic route, but of the plant sources of monoamine oxidase inhibitor MAOIs that inhibit MAO-A, in a RIMA type way, like moclobemide does, yage' is the better one to start with IMO.