Sitting back, after a couple of lines of oxycodone (40mg total), an energy drink of some unheard of brand, that was discounted to 25p a can, but tastes exactly like red bull, bought the lot, as they were so cheap, plus the relaxing effects of my antiseizure med, sprawled over the comfy leather couch, watching star trek-enterprise and sucking back a nice chily bottle of peroni (a rather pricy lager, but with, to my tastes, an excellent flavour, and just popping back to grab another bottle from the fridge and either a few bags of various candies, or maybe a tub of honeycomb ice cream, a double raspberry or almond magnum ice cream (although I have to wrap the plastic round that wooden handle they have as the touch is a textural sensory abomination, that crawls right through my teeth and claws behind my eyeballs...ugh)
Or else an ice pop, I've got orange, cola and bubblegum flavour. I think I might just start with a bubblegum one, another cheapo red bull knockoff, and one of the 30-pack of cans of coke I got discount from a local corner shop, who, as I'd bought a lot of food and drink and condiments such as honey, marmalade, nutella and brown sugar with which to top my morning bowl of porridge, over 100 quid worth of nosh, sweets, beer, coke, knockoff energy drinks, ice creams, ice lollies, cakes and cigars, they saw I was walking still using a crutch, and with heavy bags of shopping, the lady at the counter told her other half to give me a ride home for free in his truck with the shopping so I'd not be weighed down and struggle to drag it all back, with the likes of heavy cans of rice pudding, glass jars, beers and loads of coke, etc.
Even volunteered to take me right to my doorstep, and pretty much insisted on grabbing most of my shopping bags and taking them into the house for me, after packing them for me at the counter of the shop, again on their insistance, before she sent her other half with his truck, to stick my stuff in the boot, and then the free ride straight my place.
Really kind of them, and saved me a lot of heavy lifting. Not a really far walk, but the weight of the items could bust the bags, I'd two strong ones of my own with me but the other merchandise had to go in the ones they use, that are thinner, and can break in the time it takes.
As it was, I only had to lift anything from the shop's door to the owner's husband's truck boot, hop in, and then take it from my porch to the kitchen to get the frozen stuff into the freezer and the beer and coke etc. to the fridge.
Not, as said, a long distance walk by any means, even with my leg as it is, although it is recovering well, using only one crutch and only when going out, now, if I expect to require support of weight, but with 6 or 7 bags full of bottles, tins, cans and other bits and pieces, still a considerable trek as it ends up, due to the weight of about 150 quid worth of food, drink, candy, and both a four-pack of peroni and a six pack of budweiser, bottled, not canned. The bud is just average, but cheaper, the peroni is the icing on the cake, since I like it so much compared to other lagers. Nice and frosty from the fridge, just perfect to flop onto the couch in a warm lounge, watching enterprise, with a bit of oxy to pep things up and take the edge off the caffeine (I'm not a big fan of caffeine as stimulants go, I prefer more selective DARI (dopamine reuptake inhibitor) type stimulants, or triple reuptake inhibitors favouring primarily DAT blockade, then SERT inhibition or 5HT releaser effect, and low levels as possible of noradrenergic stimulation, which adds to jitteriness, and I block it with clonidine.
But, only other stimulant to be easily available without making a phonecall and having some coke mailed, would be amphetamine, methamphetamine, or N-ethylamphetamine, depending on which one might choose to be prepared from a single polyfunctional precursor plus various other techniques to reductively aminate it, or directly reduce the nitroalkene precursor to the primary, unfunctionalized amphetamine itself, in all cases bar one for sure, involving a biosynthetic route using Brebibacterium linens, derived from limburger stinky cheese and a bioreactor, that can produce enantiopure D-amphetamines from benzaldehydes at up to 10g/liter, as well as a chirally selective ruthenium based catalyst for reductive aminations, that can produce, selectively either dextrorotatory (the desirable isomer of amphetamine) or laevorotarory enantiopure amphetamines in reductive amination of phenylacetone, the ketone produced by subjection of that nitropropene precursor, P2NP to an acidic dissolving iron reduction in either glacial acetic acid with added catalytic ferric chloride, or in concentrated refluxing hydrochloric acid, and then either formation of an imine and reduction with borohydride or cyanoborohydride, formed by reacting potassium cyanide with sodium borohydride IIRC, good for imine reductions to amines, This ruthenium catalyst would be tricksy to prepare, a complex molecule, but reusable, and just as well for ruthenium is a precious metal of the platinum group. But depending on the isomer of the chiral ruthenium catalyst used for catalytic hydrogenation reductions, will be very clean, selective, and able to provide enantioselective reductions that would far be superior to most reductions, other than perhaps the enzymatic reductive amination using Brevibacterium linens in a fermentation bioreactor.