LOL QV and PR (and do pass my best wishes to the PR, I send my warm regards to her, even if you are passing them on from ten feet away on facebook

As for my something good....a certain project of mine is going well so far. And otherwise, I slept in last night, after a couple of different sleeping pills (which work to strongly potentiate each other in their cases), and the very moment I wriggled out from under the light-weight coat I had over my head to keep the daylight out, and pushed up the blindfold over my eyes under the coat, I heard the doorbell ring, and see my old man chuck a package towards me (thankfully it wasn't chemicals, or glassware, he should likely know better by now than to throw anything I've got coming in the mail, the consequences could be dire indeed!)
The several hundred physeptone tablets I'd ordered from a certain someone just yesterday, that someone had overnighted them to me to make sure they arrived early today, so I can free myself of the chemical shackles imposed by my doctors with the pain meds I'm on, break the physical dependency by a taper using just the methadone I bought (after having just a handful of days of R&R, trying out various combinations) and then, be free to take my pain meds only when I've little choice due to pain.
That way, I'm finally going to be free, and not at the GP's beck and call, so to speak, since if I chose to, I could simply walk away. I do and probably always will need pain control though, so I'll still be picking up the meds. I's going to be really, really, REALLY nice to have that control back, to make the decision 'yes, I need to take some pain relief today' or 'no, I'm not having such a bad day' and if the latter, not have a truly filthy, rotten, awful, incapacitating day inflicted on me due to the lack of taking the rx'd pain meds.
Doubtless my GP wouldn't approve if he found out, he'd probably be fucking furious, but then again, he isn't going to see anything, nor hear a word about my doing a self-decided and directed methadone taper, free from obligation to turn up daily at some addiction clinic (because I'm not an addict, and I will NOT tolerate being stigmatized. I am physically dependent, due to being scripted opiates, but that will happen to anybody and everybody who needs long-term opioid pain management, they come with a price-tag, and that, is it), but the compulsive element is not there.
I just need to break the physical withdrawal related chain, and then I'll be free to manage my pain as I see fit, when I see fit, and not have to use the meds daily, several times a day, and not suffer if some doctor stuffs up, or there's a bank holiday and I'm a few hours late in taking my dose.
But bugger me if I'm going to turn up a clinic in early morning, every morning etc. and be forced into dependency to that, be piss tested etc., I'm not going to be treated like a fucking criminal just because I decide to free myself from a form of bondage.
So, this has come both at just the right time (when I'd be low on meds to begin with) and in a sufficient quantity to accomplish the above goal.
And currently, if it wasn't for the certain somebody, overnighting them to me, priority shipping at no extra charge, and for an excellent total price, less than a pound a tablet, a fair bit less, I'd be feeling pretty scratty and irritable about now.
But instead, I'm relaxing on the sofa, with a nice warm glow, chilling out, playing fallout-tactics and with a glass of cherry wine on the table beside me, itching slightly due to the methadone, but not unpleasantly, more, that kind of itch its really satisfying to scratch.