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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6600 on: April 22, 2018, 11:22:50 PM »
Coffee happened.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6601 on: April 23, 2018, 03:31:59 AM »
I returned from my week long outback adventure  :desert:
You posted that as a good thing. Was your holiday not too good?
It was a long drive yesterday, about 13 hours from Nyngan to home, so it was good to have that end. I just wasn't arsed to find somewhere to stay overnight again so I decided to drive all the way home in one go.

The holiday was nice enough. I went to Lightning Ridge to see dad for a few days then I took a long detour home via Bourke, Cobar, Nyngan, Dubbo, Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow, then over the blue mountains. Two extremes of scenery in one weekend  8)
Some of those places I haven't heard of. The only parts of eastern Australia I have seen are Brisbane and Toowoomba. Would like to see NSW.

That sounds like a heck of a drive. Good thing you have a comfortable car. :)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 06:39:53 AM by renaeden »
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6602 on: April 23, 2018, 03:58:33 AM »
'check of a drive'....bloody hell you ozzies talk funny :D

Although it is somewhere I'd love to visit. Always wanted to get myself a pet mouse-spider after the damn filth murdered my pet widows, the sick fucks (MICROWAVED for fucks cunting sick can you GET just to hurt someone!), all my pet brown and black widows, dead, deliberately killed and when it was blatantly obvious the environment couldn't be used for hiding contraband, all of a couple of centimeters deep, yet moved a floor downstairs and microwaved to death, hundreds of them :()

That's be the damn day, some filthy porker stuck full of highly potent spider toxins (mouse spider venom is similar in nature to Atrax or Hadronyche, the funnelwebs, for non-ozzies out there), and I should think that  they don't have too much of a threshold before getting PISSED, compared to widows, any Latrodectus, they pack a powerful bite, although very unlikely to prove fatal, they are very, very shy, and scuttle off to the furthest part of their web if they are hacked off rather than go for it in a fury, at least, unless its a female guarding egg sacs, then they can get pretty pissy, been there, felt like I've been run over by a tank by that. Female nipped me on the hand whilst feeding her, and fuck me, its not pleasant one bit.  But a mouse or funnelweb spider, would have been a whole other kettle of fish compared, I felt like absolute hammered shit when I got bitten by one of my widows, but thats what it did, hurt like hell, like being beaten all over with a baseball bat would, barely able to walk so far as to go piss, but I never actually felt in fear for my life itself. Nerve-gas-lite would be a better description. Not THAT lite, but all the same, not something to make a healthy adult fear they would not wake up the next day)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6603 on: April 23, 2018, 06:41:56 AM »
Was meant to be 'heck' not 'check'. My kindle auto corrected. I have to watch that sometimes. Thanks for spotting that.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6604 on: April 23, 2018, 07:19:08 AM »
No worries m'dear. And of course I spotted it, whaddya take me for? neurotypical? :autism:

(no, I'm not accusing you of being one, just my sense of humor :) )

And things like that are just another reason to have a generously sized reserve of oaths and curses held back :spazz:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6605 on: April 23, 2018, 08:21:10 AM »
While getting my rent out of the cashpoint, it seems like they accidentally doled out an extra £5. Because I didn't have one in my wallet when I left, but I came back with a £5 note, that I didn't withdraw.

More than makes up for having to go with own brand plain, although high cocoa dark chocolate, rather than the nice, salted kind I wanted. The shop had it, and I almost bought some by mistake, but as I was reaching for it, I saw that it was Lindt's brand, and recoiled as if it were a bar of angry pitvipers.

Because damned if I'm putting money into the coffers of AutSqueaks, or any piece of shit that supports the bastards, so I refuse to buy Lindt produce, and if ever gifted any, I quietly and discreetly (to the one giving) take it to the shop for a refund, and use the money for something else, or dark chocolate that doesn't come from those filthy  little curebie-lovers. Not sure if they are continuing that vile donation drive, but I won't ever buy from them again.

I'm not complaining about a free fiver note though.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6606 on: April 23, 2018, 03:34:47 PM »
In my fallout-tactics game, just ran up against a nasty surprise, a big bugger of a super-mutant, carrying an M2 .50 caliber autocannon as if it was just a pistol or hunting knife, would have ripped my soldier to shreds, but she was really quick off the mark, and put a pair of bursts from her own autocannon straight through it, riddling it with bullets and taking it out before it had a chance to open up with the dirty great chaingun it was carrying. Then another comes out running from behind a corner at long range, and she really earned her keep as one of my heavy weapons specialists, putting an expert crack-shot in with the autocannon again, one burst from long range felled it in it's tracks. Definitely one of my more useful soldiers, not the largest carrying capacity, so is relatively lightly equipped, although wearing a mark II metal armor suit, carrying an autocannon, an RPG with several rounds for it, as well as dual-wielding a SAW 7.62mm machinegun, .50 cal M2 browning autocannon, some medical equipment and combat drugs which are standard-issue for the squad as a whole, and in case she ever runs out of ammo, since the .50 cal rounds are really heavy, and both it and the machinegun rip through shells as fast as they do through those on the business-end of them, she's packing a .44 desert eagle, with a selection of standard ball rounds, some hollowpoint and armor-piercing rounds for it, and as a last ditch, a close combat warhammer like weapon thats basically a small sledgehammer, enhanced with some sort of powered kinetic impact delivery system for the moments its all going to go to the dogs and some skulls need to be cracked open and a few hand grenades.

At the moment her main down-side is that she isn't really very good with smaller weapons, so that desert eagle is for close up engagements, as a sidearm, especially when using the likes of her rocket launcher, or grenades, since thats not what you'd call something you want going up in your own face from firing at a target too close. But the things she can do with that heavy autocannon are damn impressive, that long-range kill she just pulled off was fantastic. The mutant up close, she'd barely had time for the smoke to stop coming from the barrel after the quick kill, but the other one that came charging round a corner from a long way off, the way she just grabbed the M2 and put the fucker down in one perfectly aimed hail of hellfire was fucking brilliant. Spotted it, and about half a second later, it was reduced to minced worm-chow with a side dish of depleted uranium :D

Might be no sniper with average weaponry, but when it comes to heavy weapons that most people would think to mount on an APC or a tank, like her autocannon, or things like rocket launchers, flamethrowers, grenade launchers, better watch the hell out, because she is damn fast on her feet and quick to put a burst of .50 cal shells into anything or anyone looking for trouble. Anyone that can get the drop on those formerly human super-mutants or wipe out an entire squad of lesser mortals with one pull of the trigger is definitely an asset to the team. I SO have to get her a minigun...oh boy, then she'll be trouble.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6607 on: April 23, 2018, 04:13:40 PM »
I finally joined the whatever generation.  The PR and I are sitting 10 feet apart and we're messaging each other on Facebook.  Old dog learns new tricks.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6608 on: April 23, 2018, 11:22:26 PM »
I finally joined the whatever generation.  The PR and I are sitting 10 feet apart and we're messaging each other on Facebook.  Old dog learns new tricks.

We're all proud of you. :zoinks:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6609 on: April 28, 2018, 02:52:34 PM »
LOL QV and PR (and do pass my best wishes to the PR, I send my warm regards to her, even if you are passing them on from ten feet away on facebook :P  )

As for my something good....a certain project of mine is going well  so far. And otherwise, I slept in last night, after a couple of different sleeping pills (which work to strongly potentiate each other in their cases), and the very moment I wriggled out from under the light-weight coat I had over my head to keep the daylight out, and pushed up the  blindfold over my eyes under the coat, I heard the doorbell ring, and see my old man chuck a package towards me (thankfully it wasn't chemicals, or glassware, he should likely know better by now than to throw anything I've got coming in the mail, the consequences could be dire indeed!)

The several hundred  physeptone tablets I'd ordered from a certain someone just yesterday, that someone had overnighted them to me to make sure they arrived early today, so I can free myself of the chemical shackles imposed by my doctors with the pain meds I'm on, break the physical dependency by a taper using just the methadone I bought (after having just a handful of days of R&R, trying out various combinations) and then, be free to take my pain meds only when I've little choice due to pain.

That way, I'm finally going to be free, and  not at the GP's beck and call, so to speak, since  if I chose to, I could  simply walk away. I do and probably always will need pain control though, so I'll still be picking up the meds. I's going to be really, really, REALLY nice to have that control back, to make the decision 'yes, I need to take some pain relief today' or 'no, I'm not having such a bad day' and if the latter, not have a truly filthy, rotten, awful, incapacitating day inflicted on me due to the lack of taking the rx'd pain meds.

Doubtless my GP wouldn't approve if he found  out, he'd probably be fucking furious, but then again, he isn't going to see anything, nor hear a word about my doing a self-decided and  directed methadone taper, free from obligation to turn up daily at some addiction clinic (because I'm not an addict, and  I will NOT tolerate being stigmatized. I am physically dependent, due to being scripted opiates, but that will happen to anybody and everybody  who needs long-term opioid pain management, they come with a  price-tag, and that, is it), but the compulsive element is not there.

I just need to break the physical withdrawal related chain, and then I'll be free to manage my pain as I see fit, when I see fit, and not have to use the meds daily, several times a day, and not suffer if some doctor stuffs up, or there's a bank holiday and I'm a few hours late in taking my dose.

But bugger me if I'm going to turn up a clinic in early morning, every morning etc. and be forced into dependency to that, be  piss tested etc., I'm not going to be treated like  a fucking criminal just because I decide to free myself from a form of bondage.

So, this has come both at just the right time (when I'd be low on meds to begin with) and in a sufficient quantity to accomplish the above  goal.

And currently, if it wasn't for the certain somebody, overnighting them to me, priority shipping at no extra charge, and for an excellent total price, less than a pound a tablet, a fair bit less, I'd  be feeling pretty scratty and irritable about now.

But instead, I'm relaxing on the sofa, with a nice  warm glow, chilling out, playing fallout-tactics and with a glass of cherry wine on the table beside me, itching slightly due to the methadone, but not unpleasantly, more, that kind of itch its really satisfying to scratch.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6610 on: April 28, 2018, 03:29:00 PM »
Came across this simple recipe for raisin wine.

2 lbs. raisins
1 lb. sugar
1 lemon
6 quarts boiling water
Place the raisins, sugar, and the lemon in a large stone or ceramic jar.
Add 6 quarts of boiling water and stir every day for a week, covering with a towel.
Then strain and bottle. Let sit for another 10 to 12 days.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6611 on: April 28, 2018, 04:05:46 PM »
That sounds perfectly abominable, QV. I HATE wine. I make an exception only for cherry wine, it does ALMOST taste too much like wine for me to like, its got that acetic overtone that wine has which I so dislike (along with everything else about regular wine or champagne) but the stuff I'm supping on now doesn't, very much, its only slight. This cherry wine, I do actually quite like. Somehow  only just, but I do, I like it well enough, but it weirdly has some sort of way of sitting on the fence between 'quite like it' and 'fucking loathsome', but without being disgusting in a shade of grey. Its nice but almost nasty, but still nice, if that makes any sense at all, which it probably doesn't.

Kicking back with a cigar, about to pour myself another glass, and perhaps another 20-30mg more methadone, haven't decided yet; just about to turn the TV over to family guy and american dad, after that noxious gobbet of minge cheese keith lemon is off the screen with the utter abject GARBAGE called 'celebrity juice'

It really boggles my mind as to why ANYONE would consent to appear on that show, it is the vilest, most pathetic, boorish, repugnant, vacuous piece of  putrescent dog waste on TV, presented by an empty-headed, vulgar, moronic ginger cunt who should be tied to a post and barbecued with a flamethrower, slowly, from the toes and fingers heading up and inwards. He is a truly disgusting creature.

Why some otherwise  intelligent seeming (for a celebrity) individuals  would  allow themselves to be on set with that filthy creature, I really don't get it. I couldn't stand five minutes in the same room before I thumped him one  for the crime of existing and breathing my air. And god help the cunt if he started leching over me, because  he'd need god, as I'd be sending keith lemon up to meet him, express delivery, one way ticket. Well, as long  as you don't count the downward, more southerly migration shortly after.

Whattacunt. It'll be another good thing for my day when he's fucked off and the show is over. Bloody bleeding shitting christ on a bike I hope he fucking dies.

In fact, the methadone question has  just been decided. Going for it, because otherwise, I am going to get one serious headache, from the elevated blood pressure just from having to look at the piece of fermented ordure he has covering his skull. Come on, die already, do the world a favour. Bastard. Bastad, bastard and double bastarding bastard with bastard-sauce on top. Served with a spirit, distilled from the bastardly fruit of the fucking bastard tree.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6612 on: April 29, 2018, 01:19:04 AM »
Coffee happened. :yawn:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6613 on: April 29, 2018, 03:06:50 AM »
Munching a morning double cheeseburger, with some bitter indian tonic water to wash it down for my breakfast.  I'm still feeling the effects of the methadone from yesterday, although I feel neither urge nor physiological need  to take another tablet as of yet. Feel very alert and...well like everything is just right, neither undershot nor overshot, which was/is  a huge problem with the morphine and oxycodone I get on prescription-too little and I'd still be in a fuckton of pain, too much and I'd either be off my arse or out cold, and its difficult to walk the fine line  between them, especially with incompetent (in that particular area) doctors who have prejudices against opioid use and patients, to, both here  and in the  US, a disgusting extent. In the US, its absolutely shocking.

But, all said, only meds I've needed today are adrenolytic agents.

Feeling good, feeling active,and lively happened.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline renaeden

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6614 on: April 29, 2018, 03:28:27 AM »
Went to an autism group meet up in the city, the conversation in my corner was mostly about sleep problems (of which I have none, though I have experienced sleep paralysis so that was fun to talk about) and whether autism should be included as a condition on drivers' licences. I said no to that but yes to ADHD. It was a very spirited conversation.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way