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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6405 on: December 23, 2017, 07:56:41 AM »
Had pizza for dinner at my friend's house. Played a few rounds of Uno.
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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6406 on: December 23, 2017, 08:03:20 AM »
A chicky I don't think I want showed up for the dance, and then probably went home with someone.

On the other side though, I got assurances that my defensor aspect was appreciated last week.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6407 on: December 27, 2017, 06:58:15 PM »
A chicky I don't think I want showed up for the dance, and then probably went home with someone.

On the other side though, I got assurances that my defensor aspect was appreciated last week.

What's a defensor aspect?  :orly:

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6408 on: December 27, 2017, 07:40:33 PM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6409 on: December 30, 2017, 09:18:41 AM »
PR go with you? Hope you both had a good time. She try the duct tape or seatbelt foot strap idea?

As for something good...I revisited the site of the mission I just completed (the first) in fallout-tactics, after reading about some valuable loot I knew I hadn't recovered...checked a crate by a roadblock formerly manned by a bunch of raiders, now busy rotting on the floor, riddled with 9mm, .45 caliber SMG and pistol rounds, and full of buckshot after having a trooper crawl right under to the sandbags they were behind, only to stand up suddenly, blast one guy at a range of a couple of feet with both barrels of a shotgun.

Went back, and recovered a tactical medical kit, along with a pair of (quite uncommon, and to buy, very expensive, especially when just starting out) incendiary antipersonnel grenades, that whilst not so effective against armored targets in heavy gear, against lightly armored or unarmored targets, those things are very, very effective and not unlikely to instantly incinerate several hostile targets at once if tossed into a crowd. Went back and stabbed a few mutant two-headed cows to death with my main 'personal' (as opposed to squad members) character using a pair of punch-daggers for some experience points towards leveling up her character. (named 'kassi' in honor of a certain smokin' gorgeous, super-intelligent, delightful autistic activist lady :D)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6410 on: December 30, 2017, 09:52:46 AM »
And more goodies. Doing a  bit of exploration, found some civillians, unarmed, a couple of them carrying stimpaks, and two of them carrying almost 50 shotgun shells. And my squad members are each packing at least either a pump action, or double-barrel shotgun for close-up head-removal ambushes, can never have too many shotgun shells when there are heads needing blowing off.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Walkie

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6411 on: December 30, 2017, 10:31:40 AM »
And more goodies. Doing a  bit of exploration, found some civillians, unarmed, a couple of them carrying stimpaks, and two of them carrying almost 50 shotgun shells. And my squad members are each packing at least either a pump action, or double-barrel shotgun for close-up head-removal ambushes, can never have too many shotgun shells when there are heads needing blowing off.

I bet some NT is gonna stumble on this post and press their Autism panic button.  :LOL:

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6412 on: December 30, 2017, 11:31:58 AM »
What? jut because OMFG! an autistic killed somebody in a violent VIDEO GAME, shot them full of SMG bursts before loosing off two guys' shotguns right to their eyes and head? (in the fallout game series, they are set in a post-apocalyptic world, after a nuclear war that nearly wiped earth clean of life, and they are all set in whats left, with people trying to rebuild the world, many living like cavemen, others with firearms etc., raiders, slavers, and better people, at least people with better ideals [the brotherhood of steel] who formed a group dedicated to preserving technology of the old world, pre-war, and developing new tech, to rebuild civilization] with everything up to high-tech power armor, laser and plasma weaponry.

Along with of course, mutated wildlife from the radiation like gigantic spider-hunting wasps, scorpions the size of from a dog (small rad-scorpions) to something more like a cow sized monstrosity (your average radscorpion), farmers herding 'brahmin', radiation-mutated double-headed cows, and all manner of other monstrosities that generally speaking, the best response to is a machinegun burst between the eyes)

And you can either fire un-aimed (well aimed AT, but not targeting anything special) at any enemy, the smaller the target and longer the range, the poorer the training at the time with the class of weapons (smallarms, such as 'normal' pistols, submachineguns, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles etc.), melee weapons (your meat cleavers, broken glass bottles, your various sharp pointy stabby types of objects, your baseball bats with metal spikes sticking out of them etc. All nice and quiet, although short-ranged, but ideal for squad troops with high sneaking/stealth skill, to creep up behind sentries and silently end them, or knock them unconscious with a bat, cattle-prod up-graded to deliver a lethal charge, then quickly grab them and stab them once they are out cold on the dirt, to avoid alerting other enemies nearby but out of line-of-sight), heavy weapons (flamethrowers, miniguns, .50 caliber autocannons, rocket launchers, etc.) and energy weapons such as gauss rifles, electromagnetic pulse weaponry, laser and plasma weapons) as well as thrown weaponry like fragmentation grenades, incendiary grenades, moltov cocktails, toxic gas, and EMP grenades [the last doing, like EMP pistols/rifles, no damage to human, mutant or mutated wildlife type enemies, if its made of meat, they do no harm, but against robotic foes, EMP weapons are truly lethal, even better than acid-throwers and acid grenades [exactly what they sound like. The first being similar to a flamethrower, but fires a gout of acid to do terrible damage to robotic enemies, whilst also wreaking bloody havoc upon things made of meat. Not particularly a pleasant weapon, but one that IS very effective indeed. Does what it says on the tin, really. 'acid thrower'. It throws acid. No further explanation required:autism:]

But...I am autistic, not a moron. Whilst NTs don't realize it. There IS a difference. And I might do really gory, nasty things to characters in videogames, but just because I've say, played grand theft auto, it doesn't mean I go round carjacking people.
(well, once, many, many many years ago, but only once, and I wasn't the one who started it. All a bit of a clusterfuck of an incident that one, but it had to be done), but doesn't mean I run around raping and killing prostitutes, shooting people for fun, running pedestrians over with cars to see how many I can kill in one splatter and how long of a blood-trail I can leave behind when I've squished them.

As for fallout-tactics, I keep running into packs of civillians, that can be stealthily stolen from, and they often seem to carry 50-70 odd 12-gauge shells and some stimpacks, that are more than worth relieving them of, since when not discovered there are no consequences.

But do I steal from people? no. Not unless the person has stolen from me and I am merely re-taking that which is stolen, and helping myself to a few things formerly belonging to the thief. If someone tries to mug me, sure, I'll break his fucking arms and go through his pockets, take any weed, smokes, phones, shoes they have. But I don't BEGIN the thefts. I only steal from those who have first stolen from me. I'm obviously going to take back what is mine, but if they see it as alright to go round pinching things from people, then its obviously OK with them, so they oughtn't to have a problem when I take their things, since they don't have any issues doing it to me.

I'm not an immoral person as such. I just have my own morals. I don't hurt people unless I am defending myself or standing up for somebody who is attacked and taking a beating etc., or abusing animals. The exception to that rule being sex offenders. In that case, I did once meet a child rapist, unfortunately, and I stamped the little creepazoid into meatpaste and took a pool-que to his head. Otherwise, I am kind to others, I consider their feelings, and for a friend I will go to the ends of the earth. I won't START fights, animal or child/women abusers excepted, but if one is started by another who intends to hurt me or those I care for, then of course, I don't have the slightest problem with putting an attacker in hospital or worse. If they had but walked on by, and left me unmolested, I would not even have spoken a single word to the person, but pull out a knife on me, and they are likely to find it buried in something soft and squishy that they really wish it hadn't been stuck in.

In life, I go by 'treat people as I wish to be treated, and treat people as they treat me. So be good to me, I am good to you, be indifferent or do not interact with me, and you are treated thus, attempt to bring me harm, and you are harmed. A faithful friend is rewarded with unswerving faithful friendship unless they do something that means they no longer deserve it. A lover/partner, I will stand for no matter WHAT, and give of me, every little scrap that exists. If I'm with someone, I am THEIR'S and theirs alone.

On the whole, I'd say that I'm a pretty good person, generally speaking, overall. I might ignore lex legis that does not suit me, but only when there is not a victim. (E.g, smoking weed, kind of thing, where nobody's rights are infringed upon by my doing so) or doing things alchymical which others might not approve of. But if the worst that can happen to another is their disapproval, as a consequence of my actions, and they are not friends, family, loved ones etc. but random buggers, they can just be kept firmly in the dark, and stay that way. Disapproval, hate of, dislike for an action is not good enough for me not to do something, people can hate it all they like, but I'll not force them either to ingest anything I might make, or participate in activities involving such things. So they are free to go about their business in all ways, just so long as they do not interfere in my own.

I'm generally considerate, caring, to a lover, loving, faithful, not a stingy person/miser, sure, there is a side of me perfectly capable of doing some very unpleasant things to people. But that side only comes out when it must, when the recipient has earned it, Someone pokes me, I'll poke  them. Somebody pokes me harder, I'll poke them harder back. Someone goes to seriously hurt me, and they ought to think again before they act, and do otherwise than try. Because then, that side of me will come out. And it really hasn't got any moral qualms. On the other hand, the threshold for that vicious side being let off its very tight leash has the bar set high, and somebody must have genuinely earned what they get. Earn it, though, and whoever it is will quickly wish they hadn't earned it. The leash is tight, alright, but if it gets let off that leash then the nastier side of me isn't going to hold back.

If that ever means I need to chop somebody into little tiny pieces, dissolve them in acid, take a long, long, long hike, neutralize the acid to avoid polluting the environment and flush them away in several rivers then so be it. But nobody is going to end up murdered by me. I'd only ever commit pesticide. If you get what I mean. The moral there, is people can avoid my committing pesticide upon their person by avoiding being a pest.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6413 on: December 30, 2017, 11:39:40 AM »
And more goodies. Doing a  bit of exploration, found some civillians, unarmed, a couple of them carrying stimpaks, and two of them carrying almost 50 shotgun shells. And my squad members are each packing at least either a pump action, or double-barrel shotgun for close-up head-removal ambushes, can never have too many shotgun shells when there are heads needing blowing off.

:heart: New Vegas.

My fav always was the sniper rifle and pushy.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6414 on: December 30, 2017, 03:02:12 PM »
Good thing is that it's a day off.... bad thing is I have to work tomorrow night :(

I just don't want to do cart pushing again.... I get freaked out by icy roads, yet then again not enough moisture to make the ice. So I shouldn't bitch about it.

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6415 on: December 30, 2017, 05:09:58 PM »
Pushy? haven't ever played new vegas. Don't suppose you'd temporarily host a copy I could torrent, could you?

Did like the sniper rifle in fallout 2 though, at least until I'd gotten hold of a gauss rifle and gauss pistol, with sniper-oriented perks and the finesse trait. Even bum-rushed by about 7 thugs in power armor with pulse pistols (very high damage, very short range), I remember taking out two first in the first turn, one wielding a plasma rifle, which was dangerous, even in upgraded power armor, and one with a laser rifle, both of those two got put straight down for a dirt nap by a critical-hit gauss rifle round straight through the eye-lenses of their power armor, bursting their heads like a ripe tomato being stomped on, the rest tried closing in, and the next turn, killed three of them, maybe four, having extra AP, and firing taking less AP perks, leaving only one guy to ever get the chance to move, before he, too, ended up joing his fellow thugs after I put three gauss pistol bolts in him.

Put the entire squad down before a single one had managed to land a shot on me, without even taking a single step. Just a series of whiiiine-----SPLOORSSSHH-click' noises and clouds of torso meat-fog and spare chunks of spinal column  (well they hadn't really got any use for a spine, had they, after their heads had been reduced to something with the texture of marmalade-squishy, gooey and sticky; with little shreds of stuff in it. After that, then you haven't really got much use for vertebrae:autism:)

 IIRC one did have some sort of minigun, but I'd no space to carry it on any party members due to the weight of the thing, and their being weighed down just below encumbrance level, more or less to the point, with spare rocket launcher ammunition, plasma rifles, a flamethrower and enough of a selection box of different grenades to please every kid on xmas on a modestly sized continent; everything from molotov cocktails to plasma grenades, lest I ever run out of tools for splattering and slaughtering power-armored henchmen and gigantic scorpions. So he just got taken out as an afterthought, until ready to reload and kasplorsh (yes, 'kasplorsh IS a word. It describes perfectly what happens when a railgun slug hits a power-armored henchman's face at very close range, hitting him right in the eye, in addition to making a fairly good description of whats left of their head looks like as well)

It IS a word, no doubt about it. Not one for a very nice thing, but its definitely a word. And one that is absolutely perfect for what it describes.  Often associated with games like 'doom 3', the fallout series, shadow warrior, duke nukem where high-powered projectiles are used, especially against lower powered foes. Almost certain to be accompanied by a ribcage being turned into a decorative wall-hanging.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6416 on: December 31, 2017, 10:54:30 PM »
Just had the funniest moment EVER in fallout-tactics. Sneaking behind some sandbags on the way into storming a raider camp, some shithead saw the trooper crawling, and came out running up close, only problem for him (well first problem at least) was he was wielding a spear. Couldn't get close enough to my guy, who promptly went from crawling into a crouched position, took aim and loosed off both barrels of his shotgun right into the spearman's stomach. Split the guy into pieces and sent his corpse, or what was left of it flying backwards with a final 'OOF' sort of noise, after my squad member emptied his shotgun from a step away, turning the wouldbe spearman into meatpaste, taking him out with a single blast. Click-BOOM-OOF-dead guy.

Managed to have two chicks with bolt-action hunting rifles take out a machinegunner from long range too. Took a few turns, but slowly wore him down until one of the two finally put one through his head. Good thing too, as nobody wants to bum-rush a machinegunner, at least not unless its from behind, with the intent of blowing him to hell in a single shot or SMG burst,

The double-barreled shotgun might do a tiny bit less damage per shot than the pump action, the latter holds multiple rounds, the double-barreled one only holds two, but for fighting in close quarters, like in corridors etc, having one guy standing, taking point, with a double-barreled shotgun and a submachinegun as secondary weapon, with my (currently squad of three in total) other two troops carrying an SMG, one carrying a pump-action 12-gauge as secondary, with the last, the one with best long-range shooting skills kitted out with a hunting rifle, until I recover that dead enemy's machinegun at least, and as backup, either a .45 pistol or something like an uzi machinepistol or a H&K MP5 for dealing with anybody trying to get in close or sneak up behind my sniper guy. Lets just say that using these tactics, whilst I've had two soldiers need to use stimpaks and one almost killed by a sniper, used a more advanced, highly effective super-stimpak to bring him back from the brink of death and still have time to put a rifle shot in some twat who thought taking on three heavily armed, trained soldiers with just a metal pipe and a comrade with another close-combat weapon, a knife or something similar, from BEHIND A WALL....there is really only one way that could end. Namely with the two of my guys (well girls) dropping to the floor, switching from long range rifle to pump-action shotguns and SMGs.....for those two idiots it was never going to end very well from the get go :autism:

They must have been NT, to be THAT thick.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6417 on: January 01, 2018, 06:52:20 AM »
What? jut because OMFG! an autistic killed somebody in a violent VIDEO GAME,
Yep. They're not gonna trouble to read the context and suss that it's just a video game,  are they?  :LOL:
heck, nor even we do, half the time. What chance a prejudice-ridden NT?
You're forgetting that NT's lack imagination and take every damned thing literally.
Oh! Wait! that's us , isn't it?  :apondering:
Funny that. I swear I keep seeing  NTs displaying those exact characteristics all the time.   :zombiefuck:   OMFG, the whole wotrd has been mis-diagnosed as normal.  :zombiefuck:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 07:01:49 AM by Walkie »

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6418 on: January 01, 2018, 02:32:08 PM »
Yes, it is quite ironic is it not. That NTs call US weird, freaks *insert similar term here* etc. yet they are ruled by emotion, they cannot control it,  and seem incapable of overruling emotion when it exerts itself forcefully and remaining detached, in order to evaluate a situation and then selecting a decision based upon logic. 

It makes me sick. And to then turn round and accuse US of the failings that they themselves possess is nothing more than the height of hypocrisy.

As far as videogames....jesus, I've been playing them since you had to shut down MS-DOS with the 'ship' command on a 386 and possibly even earlier. I remember computers where floppy drives were the usual, CD drives and mice came later and even then were exceptional, and the floppy disks were about 8-10'' wide and actually were floppy. Playing games like terminator-future shock, the original system shock, even martello tower and nethack (although I'd still play nethack since it is essentially replayable for an infinite number of times, although admittedly I specialize in wizard characters due to their combination of defensive spells, 'other' effects and ranged, highly effective destructive spells), as well as x-com UFO defense (not the reboot, haven't played that yet), the original one from the very early 1990s, platform scrollers as a kid like 'jill of the jungle' 'cosmo's cosmic adventure' and the original 2 duke nukem games, as well as x-com terror from the deep.

The kind of thing you could run in many cases on a few tens of kilobytes of memory, and the more demanding taking a couple of megabytes of RAM.

Just got a hankering a while ago for going retro, and downloading duke nukem 3d, atomic edition (where the shrinker cannon exists in the other games, in the atomic edition pack includes a secondary, entirely new weapon, similar in looks to the shrinker, but using red crystals as charges, its a microwave cannon, and funny as shit, since when you kill with it, the enemies start to bloat and enlarge, paralyzed and unable to fire further, until they burst in a shower of gibs)

I've actually wanted to build a microwave cannon, based on either a coaxial or reflex triode virtual cathode oscillator and pumped by a helluva powerful marx generator, hooked up to a waveguide, so as to fire a point-sharp focused ultra-high energy, but brief (effectively reducing the time of the discharge, allows more wattage to be drawn from each discharge, in effect condensing it into a smaller space and increasing the total power per shot). But have I any intention to go around vaporising people in splatters of blood? no. At least, I'd not do so unless somebody were present and armed, intent on taking my life or doing me serious harm. In that case, sure, I'd set the thing to maximum power and pull the trigger until the fuel cells powering the capacitor banks ran drier than a taliban nun's cunt flaps.

I don't harm people who don't first attempt to do so to me, unless I intervene to defend somebody being attacked in the street etc. Or to act against those who have done things truly, truly abhorrent and so render themselves valid targets for any and all harm done to them. Otherwise I conduct myself as a gentleman and one of civilization and I do not betray my honor. Only if another violates these principles, will I conduct myself otherwise. But I will neither turn the other cheek and allow people to inflict violence upon my person, nor will I stand by while somebody who is weaker and cannot fent off an assailant. Otherwise, Even pissed as a fart, I'm not the nasty, rowdy type of drunk, I'm the type that if really, really drunk, will go and find the nearest soft and comfortable place to lie down and go to sleep. Yeah, I admit, I'll slur my words if really pissed before I end up going to piss out as much fluid as possible from the alcohol consumed to avoid waking up bursting, then just lie down and sleep.

I believe in kindness and respect to those who have shown themselves to deserve it, and for those remaining yet unknown in regard of that status, I will show such until or unless the other acts in a manner which removes that status.

Attack people? no, not without an excellent justification, but defend myself or others? I don't hold back and will leave an aggressor in intensive care. Fair? IMO that is as fair as I can get.

And returning to videogames...I've been playing them since I was a preteen, and I must, quite literally have made hundreds of thousands of kills, in many cases involving internal organs bursting into meat-clouds, vaporising critters, knifing, stamping on heads and groins and eyes....yet have I ever actually KILLED an actual person?

The answer to that cannot be given in detail, but suffice as to say I was once in a situation where I could not first remove myself from the proximity of the 'person', and they had stated as much that they were going to rape me and probably beat the fucking shit out of me after, as well as previously proving their bad character by assaulting me physically without provocation. Shithead basically took an instant dislike to me, not unlikely because I am autistic, and being a classic autie, it kinda shows. Said shithead disappeared mysteriously never to be seen again. I couldn't have beat him in a fight. But he had no knowledge of chemical or biowarfare. So autistic brain before meathead brawn. Wouldhavebeen rapist never stood a chance. Made the threat one day and was no longer present by the following morning.

Vomiting blood if I recall.

But a PERSON, no, I've never killed a person. The equivalent of removing a mosquito about to bite is another matter. But I don't go round killing people, regardless of the vast number of videogame-based gratuitously violent and brutal deaths I've inflicted on VIDEOGAME entities, if I were to be unable to distinguish between reality and the fictional environment of a videogame then by now, given the probable kills in the hundreds of thousands to millions in the latter, I would by now be a mass murder, would I not?

Sure, I've done a few bad things in the 31 years I've existed, but none of them involved killing a homo-sapiens who was a person. About the worst is a carjacking, that I was involved in, after what can only be described as an absolute clusterfuck, and somebody ELSE did the carjacking, and more or less dragged me into the vehicle, took me to his place, when I had got out of hospital, still badly injured and essentially gave me a place to lie down on his sofa, and took care of my pain using methadone and heroin, as well as sharing his weed with me, to help me sleep when things got too bad (I'd been torn up pretty badly, to the point he literally had to hold the foil of H to my face, and put a straw in my mouth). He did the carjacking, I could barely stagger at the point of hospital discharge, and he saw my predicament and rescued me essentially, since the hospital had literally left me to WALK home, a journey of about a half to 3/4 hour by car, I remember him ripping the door open of the car, dragging the guy out and throwing him on the ground, next thing I new I was at the guy's home, with him feeding me, giving me fluid to drink, and nursing me back to health. Even gave me his smokes.

Kind guy, for a stranger to go so far for somebody who has never before set eyes on the one they act for. Quite extreme in fact. Although I pretty much would say I bear little responsibility for the carjacking, being barely conscious, and having to be picked up and PUT into the stolen car, I couldn't have either jacked the car or driven it had I been able to.  Very glad he did what he did, I'd probably have collapsed somewhere on trying to return home. Kind guy, an H user, on methadone, and yet willing to share, generously, what he had to ensure I was not in pain, even helped me crawl on all fours to the bog when I needed it.

A rare person indeed who would go that far to rescue someone in need and nurse them back to health with their own precious resources. Made sure I was not only pain free, but high as a kite and not giving two shits about any pain, to a total stranger. Granted not very nice to the guy he yanked out of and threw from the car, to get to his place, but to me, he treated me not only with kindness, but never once made any move to take advantage of me or do me harm, or take from me in any way. Guy must have been an angel in disguise. Albeit a fallen one that kind of stopped half-way down on his way to earth, given that his conduct wasn't TOTALLY angelic.

And another time, after two (might have been three, I forget, I was focusing on the two closest to me and presenting an immediate threat), they both got a load of chloroacetone in the face (a really rather nasty teargas-like substance), kicked and afterwards, I ran for it. Again, though, they started it, and had they not, I would have walked on by minding my own business.

Really ironic, that NTs take shit so literally. That is the very height of piss-taking.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post something good that happened today, Parts Two
« Reply #6419 on: January 02, 2018, 03:23:51 AM »
Coffee happened and the planet was saved for now.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein