They built a new "sainsbury's Local" at the bottom of my road, for the infernal students, not for me, ofc. But I noticed today, it's now open, so i had a look in. They have stuff that I actually eat on those shelves: gluten-free rice puffs, soya milk, fresh fruit and veg that really are fresh( not just
called "fresh" because no-one had the foresight to freeze them before they start to rot). OK, nothing exciting, but actual staples! woot! I no longer need to overstock on everything fir fear of runnning out....though, hang on, that might be wise, anyway , given their prices.
Anyway, I feel almost as if I've re-entered the human race, walking into a "corner shop" (OK it;'s a bit oversized, but that's what it is) and finding things I can actually eat

I'm no longer this weird alien creatuire who can't just nip to the shop for a carton of milk, just like everybody else.
OK, well maybe I'm still some sort of weird alien creature, but let's pretend that I'm not for a bit, cos it gets a bit tedious sometimes.