I am studying for my 201 A plus exam and am confident I will pass it on the first go...I've been preparing for this first test for a long while and though this road of being citified is long...I'm proud of myself for setting a date to take the first and second tests for A plus and then take the 10 classes on Networking those tests followed by the Security class and those tests...once done getting the ciritfications under my belt I'm going to look for employment...
In the mean time God has brought folks in my path that have been hugely helpful...My job coach/life adviser through the autie speaks fund (finally VA is starting to take note) she is getting to know me and blessing of all blessings she is a Christian herself I am getting to know her she is taking me to my GRASP meetings about 45 minute drive (at night of all times) when the traffic is good that is it's 45 minutes...we got there in plenty of time and I got to tell her my 2 hour life story...before I knew it I killed two hours she knew me better, and I was ready for the meeting...
I have so many ideas for the GRASP meetings and folks really seemed to open up when I was there, yes I was doing all the talking one of the new guys who has just been Dx with HFA told me as much and I laughed along with him! I love the honesty and the way we can bounce ideas off each other...a guy who is in his 50's spoke for the first time in six months! I have realistically high hopes and am excited for my future...
I've been told more then once I should advocate for others because well I know what it is like to be on the receaving end of harshness and I'm so glad for the turn around in not only my own life but in the lives of others...
We do impact folks, we do make a difference it's what we do with the painful things we encounter and learn from them, grow or remain 'comfortably miserable' trust me I know all too well what that was like, never again...
I do have my down moments, but you know what I have you all to thank partly for kicking me in the rear metaphorically...even
Gary I love you sock puppet man...
I do, you inspire me to be a better person weather you like it or not...I'm finally happy and
joyful to live life, and am excited to see what comes next...