... but stop avoiding my question. Who the fuck are you and why do you pretend to know me?
Didn't realize you had asked those questions. I'm Jack and I know you about as much as I know anyone here. Which means I don't actually know you; I read your posts and respond to them as much as I do anyone here. Thanks for explaining this wasn't a work altercation, previous posts had given that impression.
Obviously, we do not know each other, but you seem to avoiding the simple question.
Do I "KNOW" you by another moniker? HAve we talked before a feww weeks ago? have we shared this much in the past.
I have not changed my profile in a few years, except for when everyone was doing so, but I came back to my original profile, avatar, name, etc.
Do I know you "ON THIS FORUM" by another name?
You can PM me if you are hiding. If it is ME from whom you are hiding, then stop posting answers to my posts and actually "learn" how to hide.
If you are hiding from me, all your posts directed towards me have done is work to cause me even more concern and curiosity.
IF you avoid answering this outright direct response, then FUCK YOU!!
BUT do not worry; I have been way past FUCK YOU with a number of people. There is a road back.
No, as far as I'm aware, I have only interacted with you on this site, and only as Jack. Used the name Osensitive1 when first joining I2, but not for very long and have been Jack since them. Have used other usernames on other sites, but don't recall knowing you from any of those sites. Could give you a list of all of the usernames I've used on autism sites, if you like, but pretty sure I2 is the only place we've ever interacted. We haven't shared a great deal here, but the site is slow and you were talking about something interesting so I responded. I actually think your fractals are much more interesting than your personal problems, and have been waiting to see more of them, but I take what I get around here.