He sounds like just the kind of other half you deserve, miss K. Not to say I'd not love to be in his place, but I'm glad you've found someone who treats you this way, because you do deserve the best that can ever be.
Sorry to hear about one of your four-legged friends being sick. Wishing him (or her) a speedy recovery.
My something good, is that I just got handed a tray of ferrero roche or however you spell it, from my old man, he'd got it me for xmas, a little something extra on top of the new laptop, kinda like the way I got him a bottle of dark rum on top of the fishing book I got him after asking him if there was anything he'd specially like.
You know, those chocolates, the ones with a hazelnut in the center, surrounded by something akin to nutella, then a thin crispy shell, coated in chocolate speckled all over with little bits of smashed up hazelnut. Got me a big tray of those. Which I am, currently, munching my way right through, one after the other. Soon as one has been unwrapped and the contents crunched and squished in my mouth, the next gets popped in and munched down.
He'd forgotten about them on the day, was quite a nice surprise, just came up with them today right now. Eaten almost the entire tray, in all of a few minutes