I'm not a dog person, I'm really not. All that slobber, that simple-headed slavishness even to abusive 'owners' (ugh, I fucking despise pieces of shit who abuse animals, thats one thing that will reliably press my black-rage-button. With a lump hammer. Until said button has been pressed so far down that it pops right out the other side. Its one reason that sadly, I could never work in most research laboratories, other than my own or those of fellow bees), the need to be walked on a lead rather than taking themselves for a walk, the leaving everywhere pissed and beshitten (and don't even get me started about their stopping to bag their turd up and then not bothering taking it home, or even dumping it in a red bin, but hanging the bags from the low-to-medium hanging branches/twigs of bushes, hedges and trees; the inconsiderate furry bastards) And then theres the SOCIAL. Ew. And the noise, with them barking at all hours, especially irritating in the summertime when its been scorching hot at night so I've had the windows left open to let out some heat.
I'm through and through, a cat person. And why can be excellently put in a nutshell by the expression 'dogs have owners, cats have staff':D and cats are cute too; although I've had all manner of other kinds of pets. From various wounded and rescued birds (wounded that is by things or events other than myself, I didn't mean that I did it to capture them, I didn't and wouldn't either, although I'd hope everyone here knows that of me by now) to lizards to leeches, widow spiders, even a baby hedgehog that I found one winter, too young to have survived hibernation, poor tiny thing was emaciated and freezing cold, barely let out a squeak when I scooped the little wee mite up, took off my shirt and made sure the little one was all wrapped up warm whilst I carried the little hedgehog-parcel back to my place and got some food and water ready, and rigged up a nest-box lined with soft and comfortable materials. I forget what I used for bedding and breakfast the first time chow-time came* although IIRC it was dog food once I could go and get some.
*(for the hedgehog, I mean..although it was quite some time ago so I haven't the faintest what *I* ate either. Although I am pretty sure it wasn't dog food:P
For some reason, I don't find it particularly appealing)