The skullcap should help. Its likely to be far more effective when smoked than when made into an infusion. Or perhaps an alcoholic extraction to yield a concentrate (IIRC concentrates are available online, I think) might help it be more available. The active components in skullcaps are resinoid type things, oily, nonpolar and poorly soluble in water to the best of my knowledge. Similar in that respect to cannabis preparations (although teas have been made out of indian hemp preparations, THC is a waxy, noncrystalline, fat-soluble compound, like the actives in skullcap. IIRC baikal skullcap is one of the better ones, and they may well share a common mode of action with THC. 'indian warrior' is the common name for what, as far as my understanding of the pharmacology of the genus goes, is the most potent. If you don't want to smoke it, then you would likely have better luck by far with it if extracted into melted butter and this used to make some sort of bakery, as with hash cakes, etc. because with a tea I should imagine most of the active constituents remain in the plant material and are poorly extracted by the hot water. I can do more research for you miss K if you wish it of me. (don't think of it as onerous, I would be glad to)