Still working on it. All hell broke loose in another part of my life pretty much simultaneously with this - hope to have that resolved by Friday and then back to work on the archive. It hasn't shown up yet so I assume the hosting company is still looking for it. It may be on a CD somewhere in here as well but that might be harder to find (classic Asperger's,
No word on getting the domain back either.
Relax, there's no need to resolve this situation immediately if you have more important things to do, and from the looks of things, the person who requested this was a troll anyway.
Who is the troll?
I dunno? I think he means Calavera. If he does, he is wrong, but then he is new, and importantly, regardless of the troll thing, he is right. Wolfish needs the hassle of this at the moment like he needs a boot to the testicles