we've only tested 127, 737 people thus far . We have 500, 000 NHS workers (many lacking proper protection) so confirmed cases are pretty meaningless , but here we go:
As of 9am on 29 March 2020, a total of 127,737 people have been tested, of which 108,215 were confirmed negative and 19,522 were confirmed positive.
As of 5pm on 28 March 2020, 1,228 patients in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) have died.
(from gov.uk)
They hardly test here. Almost solely when there's hospitalisation. Apparently most laboratories here work with Roche. And Roche can't handle the production of enough testing suplies. They have been asked to give the recipe, but so far they are not giving in.
There apparently are cheap test kits from all over the world, but quite a few far from reliable. So, barely testing is the choice made for now.
Over 10.000 people tested positive. 639 died so far. Most of the problems are still in the south, but it's spreading rapidly.