Without me knowing, Kayleigh looked up cough remedies on the net and found one that she made. It had turmeric, garlic, lemon and honey in it. All in warm water. She gave it too me while I was in bed. I thought this was very nice of her and said so. She replied that she was tired of hearing me cough. Haha.
Anyway, that remedy actually helped. Yesterday I actually felt up to going out and we did grocery shopping. I hardly coughed at all.
When I woke up this morning (early, thanks to the cats) I had one coughing bout, took my asthma meds and that was it. No more coughing since then. It's definitely tied in with my asthma, I know that.
I haven't had a fever since symptoms first started, so no infection? I'm not sure about that one. I thought I was getting laryngitis at one stage but my voice is fine now.